Monthly Archives: February 2011

The Weekend

I had one of those weekends where we were really busy so not a lot of quilting got done, or much of anything else!

Friday night saw Youngest Son camping out with his friend in our den in the garden for a Scout badge. They have to camp out one night a month for a year. As the weather was so bad they were allowed to sleep in the wooden den, which saved us putting any tents up and good job they did as it rained all night. They appeared at 7.30am a little damp looking and hungry for breakfast.

Eldest Son was swimming with the County Swimming Squad on Saturday morning at 6.00am, so my darling husband got up and took him while I looked after the younger ones.

Saturday evening saw us drive about an hour away from home to a Golf Club to celebrate a friends 70th Birthday with a sit down meal and entertainment. The evening was a great success and we had a lovely time but did not get home until 2.00am.
Sunday was a wash out weather wise and jobs wise as we were so tired after Saturday. I did get a little work done on my WIP but not much. I did sort my fabrics out and wanted to show you what my Husband and Boys bought me for Christmas. Can’t wait to make something with them.

Susie x

Christmas Swap

At Quilt Club we had a Christmas Swap but I was ill on the evening of the meeting so didn’t get to swap my gift. It was suggested a cover for a rotary cutter. I made mine out of the fabric left from my Snail Trail quilt.

I didn’t get to swap but I still have a rotary cutter cover. Here are a couple of pictures of it.

Susie x

Thursdays – They Come Round So Quick

Thursdays is my day for cleaning and doing all the house jobs, before the weekend, and they come round so fast. I have got it all done now and it is an hour before the Boys start getting back from school. As soon as they walk in the house it will be upside down again – oh well.

I have quite a bit of work to do still as well and then dinner and swimming and by the time we get back it will be bed time! Where does the day go? Treacle has decided that on Thursdays it is best to stay out of the way, especially as her beds get washed as well. Tomorrow is my two hour walk with her and then she will crash for the rest of the day. Washing is being done as well but the weather is so bad that I have to dry it in the dryer and it seems to build up more quickly this way.I now know how Cinders felt!

Our first cat was called Cinders. She was wonderful. She came from the Rescue Centre, somebody had hit her on the head with a brick and dumped her! She was never with it really for a cat. She would sit on the windowsill looking at the birds and as they flew over her she would fall off the windowsill! She was an house cat because we were so afraid that something would happen to her if she went out.

Our second cat was called Penny and she was completely opposite to Cinders. We had her as a kitten and she was from a farm, so one tough cookie. She didn’t want to go out! We think because she was born outside she realised how good it was with us and didn’t want to go out, in case she could not get back in! Here is a picture of her. She lived until she was 15 and we still miss her.

Susie x

Quilting Blogs

I have been looking around the Internet and found some lovely quilting blogs. Reading them is like looking through windows in the winter, when people have their lights on but not shut the curtains. You get to read about their lives and families and pets half a world away and you feel as if you know them.
Some the quilts I see on these blogs are amazing and which I certainly aspire to. At the moment I have to sew on my desk which I use for work, which is not ideal as I have to pack away everything and can’t wait to have a sewing room. However I will have to wait until our eldest moves out whenever that may be so I can bag his room!! I have, on occasion, threatened to put the Boys in together (especially when they are having one of those days!) so I can have my sewing room now! It doesn’t go down very well but does stop them arguing!!!!
On one blog, in Hawaii, can’t remember the address but her sister has a whole building in her garden for her sewing room, it was amazing. Will have to try and find it again. It looked like a house! Oh if only!!!!
Susie x


Here are two pictures of my current piece of quilting. It is a Fat Quarter Challenge (the coloured zig zag material) from my Quilt Group. We are to make a wall hanging or a cushion cover or a bag maximum size of 24 inches square. 90% of the fabric must be used but it cannot be used for backing or lining or handles (if a bag). Other fabrics may be added.
I decided to make a bag out of mine and got a pattern from my Quilt Shop. However the instructions are terrible and despite how many times I read it, they don’t seem to make sense! Anyway at the weekend I have some time (Boys are not swimming except the normal training) so I am going to sit down and get it finished and also rope Husband in. He is an Engineer so he may be able to understand the pattern better than me!!!!
Happy Quilting
Susie x

Library Duty

This morning I was at Pilates early and after a quick lunch, helped out at youngest son’s school with their new Library project. We have so far catalogued over 1000 books and still have several hundred to go. I now have more respect for the county librarians and the job they do!


We are trying to get the project finished before the Easter holidays so we can train the older children how to be librarians and how to run the library. It is a huge project but very rewarding and so peaceful, until the children come out for recess!


Susie x



Dinner with Friends

Saturday saw us dashing around with the Boys as usual, swimming in the morning, DIY store and Farm Shop before heading home as we had friends coming for dinner in the evening.

It was a great night and we really enjoyed it and they must have too as they didn’t leave until 1.00am!

A picture of our dining room ready for our guests.

Susie x

Grey Rainy Day

Treacle in her bed, she doesn’t want to go out either!
Today is one of those days when it has been raining all night and still raining now. The sky has not really got light so far at 10.00am and I just want to curl up on the sofa and read a book. But I can’t!!!

I have to clean the house, do the washing and take the Boys to their swimming club tonight as well as feed us all, which is quite tricky as they are swimming. We only have another week after this then it will be half term break and I can’t wait. Although we have plenty of things to do in the break as well.

I also have to get my cookery books out tonight as we have friends coming for dinner on Saturday which we are looking forward to.

Oh well I had better get started but I really don’t want to!!

Susie x

Christmas 2010

We had a great Christmas, very social and great time with the Boys. As usual the run up to Christmas was really busy and the snow and Boys being poorly did not help but by Christmas Eve it was all ready for the big day.

Santa paid a visit which made the Boys happy and dinner was all ready. On Boxing Day our good friends from Jersey came to see us and we spent the day, playing all the board games the Boys had been given and trying to keep up with the computer games too.

We also had visitors on the Monday and Tuesday. On the Wednesday we went to the Pantomime in Sheffield which some other friends are involved with and it was excellent. Especially the Dame and three other cast members dancing to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” changed to “Cleaning Ladies”. Brilliant.

A day was spent in Nottingham for them to spend their Christmas money and a trip to the cinema to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Great and can’t wait to see the final installment in July this year.

Before we knew it, it was Tuesday and back to School and Work and taking the decorations down and packing them up for this year.

Here are a few pictures of the house.

Susie x