Monthly Archives: December 2018

Monthly Friday Book Club.

Sorry this is a week late but as you can imagine at this time of year, I run out of hours in the day, days in the week!!!!  Anyway this book has to appear here for December as it is one of my favourites which I read every year, like Pride & Prejudice.

You will all know the story of Ebenezer Scrooge from films and TV programmes so I don’t need to give you a synopsis.  It is, in my opinion, the best Dickens book as it is a story of hope and no mater how many times you read it, you can’t help but be uplifted by Scrooge’s change of heart after being visited by the three Ghosts. 

I also think that the sentiment of keeping the spirit of Christmas in your heart all year is something we should all strive for. 

I also have a second book this month;

Nigella’s cook books are written with a sense of fun and she shares bits of her life in her writing around the recipes, so you can actually read her cook books, not just use them.  I use her Christmas cookbook a lot at this time of year but also have used several of the recipes during the course of the year too.  The recipes are very easy to follow and if you do not like a particular ingredient you can change it and the recipe still turns out very well. 

I have really enjoyed my Friday Book Club, once a month, and hope you have enjoyed my suggestions.  I will be carrying on with this next year and have a whole bookshelf full of books to read which is one thing I will be doing over the Christmas holidays.

I hope you get lots of books in your Christmas stockings (Books are always on my Christmas list!).  Happy Christmas Reading.

Hugs, Susie xx

(Picture Credit :

Five Sleeps To Go!

Yes I know it’s what we used to say to The Boys when they were little on the countdown to Christmas, but it still applies!!!

We had a wonderful evening last night the five of us!  We were supposed to go Christmas shopping in Nottingham after work, as it was late night opening, and then look round the Winter Wonderland in the Market Square and then go for something to eat.  Needless to say by the time all of us had finished work and got ourselves over to Nottingham we went straight to dinner, did not pass Go or collect £200!!! Tee hee!!!

The Boys and DH at the Restaurant, Piccolinos.

The newly engaged couple!

DH & Youngest.

The food was good and it was a great way to kick off the Christmas festivities. 

Today I have to get the meat and things for our Christmas Party on Saturday and run some other errands, whilst avoiding the Christmas shoppers!!  I will be going to the supermarket very soon, 7.00am, to avoid as many people as possible!!!!! 

I do hope your Christmas prep is going well.

Hugs, Susie xx

The Week Before Christmas Wednesday Wag!

Goodness me it is that time of year when our hoomans start being very silly with this thing called “Christmas”  I know there are lots of presents scattered around our home and I have been shooed off them so I don’t open them too soon!

Sometimes I just have to hide from Mom, but this day she got me with my Santa hat!

Yesterday the weather was dreadful here with heavy rain all day, so what is a little dog to do but push her basket into the correct position so she can hang her paws over the edge of the  basket!!!!

Of course it means that Mom’s chair at her desk doesn’t turn properly with my basket pushed out but I am sure she doesn’t mind!!!!!

I don’t think we are going to get a White Christmas this year, it is forecast to be grey, overcast and rainy!  I so would like to have snow at Christmas!!!!

Thank you for reading my Woofy Wednesday Wag every week this year, I have really enjoyed being with you.  I hope you all have a very Happy and Wonderful Woofy Christmas.


It’s Almost Christmas, Yeah!

I am busy crossing off items on my very long “To Do” List as well as the rest of the family adding things onto the bottom of it!!!!  Any hoo I thought today, as all the things I am doing are for Christmas but not very Christmassy, I would share some Christmas Pictures. 

Only SEVEN days to go to the Big Day!!! Oh My!!!!!  Enjoy !


I have this picture of The Boys and Treacle in a frame in our sitting room as I just love it.  They are both smiling (!) and Treacle is just about sat for all of two seconds before racing off to play in the snow again.  I so remember taking the picture!!! It is from 2010!

Happy Christmas Hugs, Love Susie xx

It Finally Happened!

Yes it finally happened I hit the wall of too much to do and not enough time in which to do it!!!!  It didn’t help that DH has had a heavy cold these last few days so no sleep for anyone including Treacle! 

So because DH didn’t feel well at all he stayed at home working instead of visiting customers etc, which then completely threw out my routine, which is why the Blog posts stopped!!!  Friday I did my house jobs and then ran out to do some errands and then Saturday was supposed to be getting some jobs done before Christmas, which didn’t happen as DH had some urgent work to do and then he was out in the evening compering a 60th Birthday party! I spent the afternoon quilting 🙂

Sunday we went to visit family in Nottingham and to lay a wreath at DH’s Parents grave and I also went to see a tree that was planted for my family and then in the evening we went to Derby Cathedral for the Carol Service which was lovely.  As the Boys were both out and busy doing their own things DH and I went for an early dinner and it was really nice.  We got home at 8.00pm which was good as it was blowing a gale and raining stair rods!!!!

DH is now starting to feel better so is back out visiting customers and has a Swimming meeting tonight!  I got all my proper work done today as well as a visit to the tip with some rubbish and also to our local Charity Shop with some things we had sorted out.  Tonight I have a basket of ironing to get through and hopefully tomorrow I can get a few more of my jobs crossed off my list. 

I do hope all your Christmas preparations are going well.  I will also do Friday Book Club this coming Friday as I missed last Friday, but I blame DH!!!!

Happy Festive Monday, you lovely lot.

Hugs, Susie xx

Thoughtful Tuesday.

I am trying very hard to not spend all my time getting jobs etc done but take time to step back and actually enjoy the Festive Season.  I know that I have not done this in the past and by the time Christmas Day arrives I am ever so slightly (or actually very much) frazzled!!! 

I still have lots of things to do but I keep writing my lists and crossing things off, which definitely helps me to keep organised and I find that once I have written them down, I feel the pressure is off. 

I am also determined to be cheerful around people.  So far some shop assistants and other people I have had to deal with seem to be in a perpetual bad mood and I am determined they will not bring me down with them!  I also hope that being cheerful with them will make them in a better mood!  It is my Christmas experiment this year!!!!

Treacle is also very busy at home and is constantly following me from room to room to see what I am up to but then she is missing out on her sleep.  I sat down this afternoon to finish a piece of work off and before I knew it she was fast asleep in her basket by my desk!!!  This is the first snooze she has had since she got up at 5.00am this morning with us!!!!

I hope you are having a good Festive Week and you have time to enjoy all the preparations.

Christmas Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Fifteen Days To Go!

Yes that is correct, you did read that right, only fifteen days to go before the Big Day!!!  I am doing okay with all my “To Do” lists and slowly ticking off all the jobs.

104 Christmas cards have been written, addressed and mailed out.

This weekend I did a lot of my Christmas baking. Of course now I have to keep DH, Eldest, Youngest and Treacle away from them so I have chance of having some left actually by Christmas!!!  The one benefit is my freezer where I store quite a few.

Ready for the pastry making etc.  The kitchen did not look like this when I had finished!!!

72 Mince Pies done, above.

50 of my Christmas Cookies.

On the left homemade Sausage Rolls and on the right Cheesy Stars, favourites of The Boys, especially Youngest!

My AireElf was busy helping me all day!!!!

I also got the Christmas Puddings made and steamed and then re-wrapped ready for Christmas Day.

DH and I were at the last event for the older swimmers on Saturday evening and DH was compering and I ended up helping to record the times!  Our Team did really well against strong competition and came third, ironic as we have come first, second and now third out of the three events!  This means that we will, for next year, move up to the Top Division where we will be swimming with the likes of City of Derby, so we don’t think we will be winning next year, but our Head Coach and the swimmers are really pleased that we have moved up.

Sunday DH was compering the County Sprint Competition at the 50m pool in Sheffield and so that is when I did all the baking.  I did go to Church in the morning for Morning Service which was lovely as it was the Second Sunday of Advent and they lit the Advent Candle.  Below is the Cathedral when a special concert was taking place but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.

I must say I am really enjoying the run up to Christmas this year.  I think because I have been organised and written my lists and following the plan I am enjoying the whole process.  All the presents have been bought, wrapped and tagged and I have already delivered a few and during the next two weeks the others will be delivered.  We have also arranged to see friends and family over the next two weeks which we are really looking forward to. 

I have also got a couple of “personal” appointments arranged which will be great, I am seeing Girlfriend’s Mom tomorrow for breakfast and a quick catch up and next weekend DH and I are going to our Church’s Carol Concert.  All the food has been ordered and drinks bought so I am in really good shape for the Big Day.   This means that I am able to take time and really appreciate the Festive Season. 

I hope all your plans are going well and if not remember, breathe; don’t panic and do what you can.  The important thing is spending time with your family and friends, everything else really is just window dressing. 

Happy Festive Monday!

Hugs, Susie xx

Second Weekend of December.

Happy Weekend you lovely lot!  Sorry I have not posted for a couple of days but we are getting into manic mode here!  Customers who want deliveries before Christmas when you just know they won’t do anything with them until the New Year (!) children wanting suggestions from each of us for the other of what to get us for Christmas (!) and 90,000,000 jobs still to do before the big day!!!!  Who said Christmas was easy!

As Treacle promised here are a few pictures of our decorations this year.  Not much different from last year but for me that’s what it is all about, TRADITION!  as Tevye says in “Fidler On The Roof” (I loved that show).

This is our Sitting Room where our real tree is.  We always have a real tree as it was one of my family’s traditions. We have put some lights on top of the Bookcase with the clock on which adds an extra glow to our room.  The Nativity scene which I bought when Eldest was first-born.  Some special decorations on our tree.  A music box which plays Hark The Herald Angels Sing which we bought when Eldest was a baby.  The family cards.  Two Reindeer which we bought when the Boys were little.

Our Dining Room; lights on the piano and candles.  Snowman at the Sitting Room door.  Reindeer with our names on for place cards this year.  The lights on the stairs of course and DH’s Mom’s dresser decorated.

Our kitchen where we all spend a lot of our time and I just love the red as our kitchen is white.  In fact I do keep some of the red out all year!!!!!

Our Den where I spend all of my week generally, well not in December of course!!!! 

Just said to DH when you spend all day everyday in a place like I do you don’t really “see” it so when I actually look at our home through these pictures it really does give you a different view, I love our home!!!!!

One final picture of Madam who at this point was sulking as her beds were being washed and this inner was the only thing dry!!!!  This was after she had come back from the Spa in the afternoon!!! 

Whatever you are all up to this weekend I hope you have a wonderful time.  DH and I are off to the final round of the Arena League in Worcester tonight for our older swimmers!!!

Hugs, Susie xx