
I had the week all planned out and I was all organised and then my computer had a Windows update which screwed it up, particularly the printer.  Tuesday was going well until I came to get all the printing done and it would not print.  I had to wait until DH got home, who is our IT guy, for him to sort it out.  That of course meant that I was behind.  I caught up a little bit on Wednesday morning but then had to go to Eldest’s to do his work and I was meant to be doing Home jobs today but have been working at my desk again!  Tomorrow will now be home jobs day and try and get caught up again. 

At the weekend DH is out at a swimming competition all weekend and on Saturday night he and I are helping at a swimming event for our Club too.  During the day I am hoping to get some jobs done, some quilting done and also seeing Little Man too!

Normal weather has been resumed this week, more rain!  It is not so cold but just very wet, which of course means outside jobs are having to be put on hold again!  There is still a few jobs left to do at home which I can do whilst DH is out!

Miss Floof had such a busy weekend helping us in the garden that she spent all day Monday and Tuesday sleeping, catching up on her sleep! 

As it is Thursday today I thought I would do a little #TBT to 2008, Eldest, Youngest & I in front of the DisneyWorld Castle.  They were 12 and 8.  Now where has sixteen years gone to?!!!!!!!!!!!  They both now tower over me in height!

I am hoping to get one job done tonight and sort out the sewing room.  When I moved back in things got put away quickly and so it needs a good tidy and also a bit more organisation, rather than currently I have to pull everything out to find the thing I am looking for!  DH and I did sort out one bit when we were spring cleaning but did not have time to sort the rest of it! 

Another nice job to do is to go to the Garden Centre and get some summer bedding plants for the pots and a few new plants for the bed at the front of the patio.  Once the bluebells are cut and the leaves are taken away this area is quite bare so I need a couple of plants to go here. 

I hope you lovely lot have had a good week and a great weekend to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Why?

  1. farmquilter

    We make plans and life steps in!! I HATE updates on my computer or phone…they always mess things up!! I have 3 different printers that are all good but none of them will talk to my computer. I just tell people they have to use snail mail because of my printer issues. Coco made good use of the sunny weekend if it took her 2 days to catch up on her sleep!!! I hope you get your sewing room sorted so you can enjoy being in there to create again!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Dandy Duke

    Your garden is just gorgeous, Susie! Love the picture of you and the boys at Disney and now to think that eldest is a father!

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