Monthly Archives: June 2020

Crossings Out!


Although I use my computer for all my work and digital diary I still like to have a paper diary which I carry with me.  However this year it is full of crossings out!!!  Do you remember at school when you used to get told off for crossing anything out?  We did.  We were taught not to write anything down unless you had first thought it through!!! Anyway because of everything being cancelled this year because of the virus I have more crossings out than entries!!!

This week would have been Carnival Week in the village.  Of course we cancelled this very early on to save incurring costs etc.

DH carrying the US Flag as it was July 4th that particular Carnival year when he was Chairman and we had an Indpendence Day theme.

This week would also have been Wimbledon!  Which I am missing a lot!!!  They are showing past games on the TV and at least children will get to see some fantastic historic matches. 

Although we have had time to get jobs done, Summer does not feel quite the same because of the lack of events.  We only generally have a short summer here in the UK and sometimes it can be dreadful weather but that is all part of living here!!!  I know all the reasons why it is happening and it is hopefully keeping everyone safe but I certainly do miss the structure of the year.  Hey ho.

I am now off to the hospital for a check up (!) and then it is our friend from Derbyshire her funeral this afternoon.  We are only able to go as there is a large area outside where we can all stand 2m apart of course.

I hope you all are having a good Tuesday.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


The heavy grey sky over the valley!  Can’t believe last week as so hot and sunny!

Our weather seems very inconsistent at the moment.  It is now grey and cold!!!!  Treacle is tucked up in her basket as if it is November and I am now back in long sleeves!!!!  I just wish we could have some settled warm weather, which is not too hot or cool!!!!

The garden today, it is also very windy!

On a happier note I had a wonderful Birthday with DH, The Boys and their Girls.  They sent me some flowers which are made up into a book (you know I love books) and it has been wonderful.

My cards from them on the mantlepiece and DH’s Father’s Day cards on the fire and both the Boys got the same card one a little larger than the other which Eldest bought!!!!  They have said that they will now speak before buying their cards!!! It was such a laugh.

My “To Read! bookshelf which needs tidying but as you can see I am going to be okay for the next few months!!!  It has been a godsend over the last three months of Lockdown for me to have these to read!!! 

This little lady is twenty one tomorrow!!!  How time has flown.  Here she is in the Playschool Nativity as an angel and right at Youngest’s Sixth Birthday party!!!!  She and Youngest are good friends and at Playschool/School together.  She is the sister of Eldest’s best friend.  We hope she has a wonderful day.  Her Mom and I, Jayne, usually go out for lunch especially as our Birthdays are a week apart, and we are hoping that we will be able to go out for the day soon.  We are also hoping that we will be able to do our annual trip to Nottingham in November for Christmas shopping and lunch.  I really do miss that.

I also had some visitors, outside of course, on my Birthday and it was lovely to see them and had some lovely flowers and plants.  The worst thing about seeing them? Not being able to give everyone a hug!!!!  We are at one of our friend’s funerals tomorrow and it will be the first time we have seen a lot of our close friends since Christmas and New Year and we will not be able to hug anyone there either, especially tomorrow when we could all do with a hug!  I also have a hospital checkup beforehand!!!  It is not going to be a good day at all.


I have had some new Followers join me on this blogging journey over the last few weeks so I wanted to say Welcome and thank you for following and I hope you find some fun and friendship here. 

Thank you also to all the followers who contacted me after my post on our friends’ passing, it was very kind of you and meant a lot to me.  You are all a wonderful lot.

I think I am getting a little jaded by all the talk on the virus and the fact that we are having spikes of the virus and could now go into another lockdown!!  I feel now that we are living in limbo.

I hope you all have a great week and things are all well where you are. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Treacle tucked up in her basket next to my desk!!! 




Rainy Saturday.

Sorry for the radio silence this week.  It was our business year end on May 31st and it takes a while to get everything finished and the books taken to our Accountants and then do all the budgets etc for the new business year.  But it is now done and we are off on a new year!

The Boys are busy with work, Eldest at his work and Youngest keeping himself busy until he can go back to work.  They are saying from July 4th that the social distancing here can come down to 1m+ which will hopefully mean that he will be able to get back to work.  He is, however working on his project car so that is keeping him occupied.

DH is busy with work as more and more companies get up and running again and of course they all want their parts NOW!!!  Of course they miss the fact that all of our customers want their parts now!!!!!  We will sort it all out eventually!!!

This week has been extremely hot, well hot for us in the UK!  Around 32°C which meant hot days and not much sleep at night.  I usually wear boots during the day but decided as it was so hot this week to wear my Scholls and I ended up with heat rash on both feet!!!  So I am now back in my boots!!! 

The Boys and their Girls came for dinner outside last night and we were lucky as the weather was very sunny but very warm!  I made lasagna, salad, homemade bread and the Boys asked for chips as well!!!!  It was a lovely evening.  We all had to be up really early this morning as DH and Eldest are helping Youngest with his project car today.  I will be doing some tidying and getting on with some of my other nice jobs!!!!  Even some quilting!  I know don’t faint!!!

Today here in the UK it is National Armed Forces Day.  Both DH’s Family and mine were both involved in the Services during both World Wars so we say Thank You to all those who were and are in the Armed Forces and what they do to keep us safe, including these last few months during the virus crisis. 

Treacle has been busy helping me now that the Boys are busy but as soon as they get home she is constantly with them.  Eldest had just got a packet of crisps and so definitely had a friend to help in case he needed it!!!!

I hope you had a good week, whatever you were up to and have a great weekend.  I will be back as usual next week.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

#TBT & Yeah It’s Friday!

I seem to be a day stepped out this week!!!!  It has been one of those weeks.  We have had two Zoom meetings in the evening about getting the swimmers back into the pool and as much as we try and sort out one set of issues, something else comes up.  We have decided that we need to get the older swimmers back in first as they can understand the social distancing and directions and see how things work.  Lots of big companies have been planning their opening since week 1 of Lockdown and it is only now that employees are back are they seeing what works and what doesn’t and how to change it, so I think that is what we are going to have to do with the swimmers.  However until our Leisure Centre provider comes up with their rules and how they want to deal with us, we are in limbo!!!


Our very good friend Corinne, above and below, passed away last week. We and the Boys have known them both for over twenty years and will miss her greatly.

DH, Youngers and I went to visit her and Gordon in their new holiday home in the South of France during the Easter break in 2014. 

This is their home and it was lovely and warm.

This was their local church, the entrance.

One day whilst we were there Gordon and Corinne took us to Saint-Émilion for the day which is quite a small place but every other store is a wine shop!!!!  We had a lovely lunch outdoors and then a walk around.  The above is one of the oldest parts.  It is called The Cadène Arch which dates back to the 13 Century and is located on the Rue de la Cadène. It was designed to monitor people moving from the different sections of the town.

Sadly because of the current situation we are unable to go over the France to see Gordon but will do as soon as we can.  He is going to come back to the UK eventually.

Another friend also passed away the same week and her funeral is on June 30th.  We are able to go to be in the grounds but not actually at the service.  Neither of the Ladies had this horrible virus, they both had conditions which were being treated but sadly they passed.


I am glad it is Friday today.  It has been raining most of the week but hopefully the weekend will be a little better and we have some warmer weather next week.  I am ever hopeful that next week will be a little calmer, quieter and I can get some of my things done!!!  That sort of went out of the window this week!!!

I hope you lovely lot will have a great weekend, whatever you are up to, and whatever you are able to do wherever you are!

Hugs & love Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

It has been a funny old week.  Eldest is now back at work and I am missing his company as Mom spends most of her day working!!!!  The weather has not been nice either with heavy rain but warm days and we have had thunderstorms which I really don’t like!!!

Yesterday was spent in my basket as it was raining and I was snoozing most of the day!

The other day it was really cool again so Mom covered me in my quilt!!!!

Today is not too bad but heavy rain is forcast for tomorrow so I will be in again!!!  At the weekend we will be seeing everyone as it is Mom’s Birthday, can’t wait I love having everyone around to play with.

I hope you are having a very woofy Wednesday.

Treacle xx

Susie’s Friday Monthly Book Club.

Yes I know it is Monday!!!  I was out all day with DH last Friday for work so this post did not get done!!!!!  Sorry.

As much as I love fiction books, especially, mysteries/crime etc I do also enjoy what I call coffee table books.  This one is by Angela Kelly who is the current Dresser to H.M. Queen Elizabeth.  Ms Kelly has been with the Queen for over twenty five years collating her wardrobe from every day wear to the official robes which are used on ceremonial occasions. Ms Kelly even wears Her Majesty’s shoes to break them in before she actually wears them!

It is filled with fascinating pictures of life around the Palace whilst dealing with the clothes and events.  Ms Kelly has a very easy style of writing and it is filled with anecdotes and funny events from those twenty five years.  In fact it would be fantastic if well all had our own Ms Kelly to help with our wardrobes!!!!!

So if you would like to take a peak behind the curtain of the various Palaces and see how things are done, this book is for you.  I got the hardcover version but it is available from Amazon on all platforms.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  It was a busy but not busy weekend for us, things got done but others didn’t.  We saw the Boys and their Girls over the weekend which was lovely and we got a few bits done in the garden until the thunder storm hit yesterday when the rain came down in stair rods!!!!  The garden was looking okay until then when it battered all the flowers and plants!!!  We are due to have that sort of week all week but at the moment next weekend looks nice, fingers crossed.

Have a great week, all.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx




As it is #TBT today I thought you would like to see a trip we took in 2012 to the Harry Potter Studio Tour near London.  We went the week it opened as our Boys were/are huge Harry Potter fans (we are too but don’t tell anyone!).  Anyway here are some of the pictures from the tour.  It was a great day out and if you ever get the chance to go, do.

Harry’s First Bedroom, the cupboard under the stairs!

In the Great Hall at Hogwarts.

They were happy to be there, honest!

The giant fireplace in the Great Hall.

The Mirror of Erised which shows you your Hearts Desire!

One of them smiling at least!!!

The entrance to Dumbledore’s Office.

The Gryffindor Common Room.

Dumbledore’s Library.

They are off to Hogwarts in the flying car!

Butterbeer, not Youngest’s favourite drink!


Getting their wands in Olivanders!

At the exit this great quote from J.K. herself!

We had a great time and are talking about going back with the Girls as well near the end of the year if this wretched virus ever gives in!!!!

I hope you are having a thrilling Thursday.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag.

I am sure I had a tennis ball here a minute ago!

Mom have you see my tennis ball?

It has been freezing since I had my Airecut and Mom has been putting my quilt on me during the day when I am snoozing in my basket as she has refused to switch the heating back on!!!!  I am really hoping that the warm weather comes back soon.

I have seen the Boys and their Girls over the weekend and it was great fun to see them although I was shattered after their visit and my spa day.  I spent two days snoozing!

Mom had a meeting, outside, yesterday with two of the ladies from swimming for two and a half hours and I got to snooze in my basket whilst they were having lunch.

It is heavy rain today and cold so I have been in with Mom in my basket next to her desk.  I am really happy when we are together working.  Eldest is now back at work so it is just Mom and I at home during the day now. 

I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.

Woof Treacle xx


In this new reality Mondays are different, although the days are seeming to blend into one at the moment.  Eldest was back at work today for the first time (it didn’t happen on Thursday because of paperwork). He left at 6.30am with lunch in hand and various keys he needed.  I was just hopping into the shower when I had a call, he had left his security badge at home!!!!!!! So I got dressed, having not showered, to take his badge down to him!!!!

I got quite a lot of work done before Youngest appeared (he, unfortunately, is not back at work yet!) and wanted a haircut!  Eldest keeps his very, very short and so has been doing it with his beard trimmer during Lockdown.  Youngest has his hair a bit longer and uses wax.  His hair has always grown very fast and it is very thick and he was due for a cut as lockdown happened, so as you can imagine it is long, thick and very hot.  I am not, in any way a hairdresser, but he persuaded me!!!

I stared cutting his hair first with scissors and then finished it off with DH’s beard trimmer!!!!  There are a few tufts but knowing how quickly his hair grows it won’t be long before it is back and our hairdresser has said she can sort out the bad cut!!!  Here are some pictures!!!!

He now looks like Eldest!!!!!  Front and Back!!!!

This is how much came off!!!!

I am still trying to get my nice jobs finished.  I am getting on with Eldest’s memory books but it is a slow process and I have not got around to any quilting yet.  The weekend passed in a blur of not a lot as the weather was yuck, it was like we were back to April showers, so I read some and watched some TV.  I am hoping to get more done this week.  I have a meeting tomorrow regarding swimming and will have some work to do after that and I am still working on our Business Year End.  I think because we have been in Lockdown for a while now, there is no urgency to get jobs completed as there is always tomorrow, the next day, the weekend!!!  I think we will all be in for a shock if we do get back to any sort of normal. 

I hope you lovely lot had a wonderful weekend and a good week to come.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx