Friday Book Club 2022

Susie’s Friday Monthly Book Club 2022

Welcome to 2022 Book Club.  As before I have left the other years up for you to look back on and here we are setting out with the 2022 selection.



January 2022To Read My Review go Here



February 2022

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March 2022

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April 2022

I read this whilst we were away for our shortened Easter break.  Claire Tomalin has written several Biography’s of famous people, including Charles Dickens.  She always presents the life of the person she is writing about in very clear way without too many opinions of her own. 

Jane was one of eight children born to her parents, George & Cassandra Austen.  George was Rector of Steventon and received money from the living so the family were not rich and he suplemented his income by farming and teaching various Boys who boarded with the Austens.  In fact the home was quite chaotic and meal times were a centre for discussion regarding politics, current affairs and acquaintances!

Despite a dalliance with Tom Lefroy when she was Twenty, Jane never married and her work became her life with her first novel being published in 1795, Sense & Sensibility. 

From reading this book I think that Elizabeth Bennet’s character in Pride & Prejudice is very much how Austen herself was. 

If you are a biography reader then I can highly recommend this book.



May 2022

Now I normally read these books up to and around Christmas of course but this was given to be for Christmas and I didn’t get around to it.  It was actually a recommendation from my good friend Jayne, her daughter Emily on her Instagram Account; “Read By Emily”  ( 

It truly is a feel good book!  Carmen works in her local department store but it sadly closes and she is at a loss as to what to do next but her sister comes to her rescue and tells her about the local bookshop in Edinburgh who needs some help and she has a spare room in her home.  Carmen is reluctant to accept any help but decides it might be worth a change of scenery.  What her sister did not tell her is that the Bookshop is in dire straights and unless they can turn things round by Christmas will also be closing.  Will they get a Christmas Miracle and save the little Bookshop?

I love these sorts of books, they are an easy read but so enjoyable.  If you don’t want to read it now at the height of summer, buy it and save it until November!



June 2022

This is what I am currently reading, another Clive Cussler book from the Kurt Austin range.  You know, if you read this section of my Blog, that Mr Cussler is a huge favourite of mine and Eldest bought me all the books I was missing from the collection. 

Kurt and his partner Al are on a NUMA survey ship when they are asked to help at a disaster on a small island in the Mediterranean called Lampedusa where a ship has run aground and released a black poisionous mist which causes the local inhabitants to fall where they stand.  However someone managed to get a distress call off and they go to investigate.

They are then asked to try and find out what happened and come up against a secret organisation who are using knowledge from the Ancient Egyptians to change all the area in Northern Africa.  If Kurt, Al and NUMA are unable to find the cause and the cure millions will die and the world will not be safe.

I have read lots of Mr Cussler’s books now (several times over as well!) and some people would say they are all the same but I find that although it is usually a case of us against them, goodies versus the baddies, his books are always engaging and full of adventure and fun.  Very much like the James Bond films.    If you are into this type of story then you can’t go wrong with this book or any of the Cussler books.



July 2022

To Read My Review Go Here



August 2022

August 9th National Book Lovers Day

Read My Post Here

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September 2022

To Read My Review Go Here



October 2022

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November 2022

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December 2022

To Read My Review Go Here


I hope you have enjoyed this year’s selection of books.  A little bit of mystery books, a little bit of adventure books, a biography, a feel good book and a book about London! I have read quite a few others in between so will do a post about some of those too. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, get lots of books and also time to read.

Happy Book Reading, Hugs & Love Susie xx