Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Wednesday Wag!

DSC04939I am in the dog house today with Mom!  Dad is away for three days with work and so it is Youngest, Mom and I.  Now I usually sleep in Youngest’s room but last night he said I could stay with Mom on her bed. 

Everything was fine and Mom was asleep when I was sure I heard someone breaking into the house!  So, as Security Officer, I jumped up on the bed and gave my largest, angriest bark I could and ran off the bed, aiming to go through the door and downstairs.  Unfortunately I must have still been a bit asleep as I missed going through the door but hit it with my head and slammed it shut!  Needless to say Mom was awake by this time and well lets just say I was in BIG trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think she has forgiven me as I did get my breakfast this morning but I am not too sure!!!!!!

I think I had better stay outside in the sunshine and keep a low profile today!

Wait was that a noise do I need to get up and bark?  May be not!!!!!!!

Hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday!


Never Grow Up!

Whilst we were tidying out the garden shed there is a white box full of toys the Boys used in the sandpit and paddling pool when they were little.  We had a rule that if a toy went outside to be used then it stayed outside in the shed.  We have never got round to removing them so when we were tidying Youngest and Treacle tidied this box.  Well when I say tidying it was playing really!

Before they all went back to school/work we went to see Granddaughter Evalyn, Mum and Dad and took our lot with us.  Whilst Evalyn was asleep the Boys took the opportunity of examining all of her toys!  Well when I say examine it was playing really!

However when she was awake again they did entertain her outside for a while!

Even when my two are both topping six feet now they can still regress to those wonderful little boys that they were.  Never grow up!!!!!!

Hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday.

Hugs, Susie x

Wonderful Autumn Weather!

The weather over the weekend was amazing, cool mornings and evenings but at the height of the day it was really warm and just like summer.  I love these Indian Summers!

DH and I managed to get into the garden yesterday and start getting it ready for winter.  Although the weather is nice we decided to store the outside furniture because these days don’t last long and having just cleaned them all didn’t want to have to do the job again!  We got the borders at either side of the steps tidied and we still have some more work to do and hopefully the next few weekends will still be nice.

The two large pots will have some winter pansies in soon when I make a trip to the garden centre and the small pot is used for our Bonfire Night fireworks as a stand!!!!!

As you can see Treacle has really enjoyed the warm sun!  In fact I had a job to get her in so I could go and collect Youngest from school!!!!  A small biscuit did it!!!!!

Some of the bushes behind Treacle need trimming so that will be the next job.  We also got the Boys Den and the shed cleared out and tidied so am really pleased with the progress. 

DH enjoyed the Harvest Dance event of Saturday evening comparing the various things, I spent the evening ironing as Youngest was out at his friends Birthday event, a water park!!!!!!  He had a great time too.

This week will be busy as DH is away for three days on business so I am on all the swimming runs.  I am still trying to carve out some time to do some quilting but there really are not enough hours in the day!

This is the moon behind Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, a great pictgure! (from the Daily Mail newspaper today  copyright : Maddick)

Totally missed the Blood Moon and Eclipse last night as here in the UK we would not see it until 1.32am on-wards and no way could I stay up before a school day!!!!!!  I believe it was spectacular and you could see it in the UK because usually it is cloudy/raining/foggy etc!!!!!

Hope your Monday is sunny.

Hugs, Susie x


What is  A Committee?

  • C = Crabby
  • O = Obstreperous
  • M = Miserable
  • M = Moody
  • I =  Irritating
  • T = Timewasting
  • T = Truculent
  • E = Exasperating
  • E = End

The only way to describe the last few days whilst I have been trying to get all the paperwork organised and issued for the Swimming Committee AGM at the beginning of November!  I asked one question which only needed a simple yes or no answer and the Vice Chairman and I have spent the last two days responding to at least thirty emails yesterday and ten today arguing over something which is a non-issue!!!!!

Needless to say I will not be staying on the Committee after this AGM as Secretary!  I have been on lots of different Committees over the years, things to do with the Boys, things for myself and never have I had this level of stress from any of the others as I have had with this! 

Of course whilst responding to these silly emails I have not got other jobs done, including my real work and house jobs!  So they will have to be done tomorrow now and what I was supposed to do tomorrow I will have to try and fit in at the weekend!!!!!  Roll on November 2nd!

In other news I have managed to sort out my quilting projects that need completing which was a nice job to do! 

Speaking of Snoopy I saw this on Madame Samm’s Blog tand just had to do it!:

Are you a Nut in as a PeaNut?  This is what I would be like if I was in the Peanut movie, out in the UK on December 21st!!!  You can see what you would look like as a Peanut character by following this link :

Have a go it’s real fun and as you know I love Snoopy.  When I was a little girl growing up we had a Beagle whose name was Jason and since then I have always loved Snoopy and Peanuts.  Can’t wait for the movie.

I hope your Thursday was more productive than mine!

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I have had a busy morning this morning bringing the Post to Mom. 

I also had fun outside this morning as the leaves are starting to fall from the trees and I love pushing them around with my nose, although I did lose the tennis ball in the leaves which I had rooted out from the bushes.

I have now had my lunchtime biscuit and as Mom is busy working at her desk I am going to have a snooze for a while.  There have been a few late nights round here over the last few days and I just don’t do well unless I get my fifteen hours beauty sleep!

Mom says Saturday is going to be busy but we may get out for an extra long walk on Sunday!

There are lots of fun things coming up in the next few weeks and I can’t wait.

Hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday, only two days to the Weekend!


Girlfriend Is Leaving!

Well the week that Eldest has dreaded for a while is upon us and Girlfriend leaves to go to France for a year as part of her Uni course!  She leaves on Thursday and of course Eldest is going to visit her the following week (!) as it is also her 21st Birthday!

We are seeing them tonight to say goodbye and we will be delivering this, which is part of her Birthday gift and also a going away gift.

The front of the quilt ably held by Youngest!  I love this quilt pattern.

Girlfriend is a huge fan of Hot Pink and also Cath Kidston fabrics which is why I chose these!

A closer look at it and the quilting.

The back.

I hope she likes it!!!!!! 

It has been chaos in our house as always, with swimming and swimming committee taking up a lot of time, as well as the paying job!!!!  This weekend is busy again with Youngest going to one of his friends Birthday Bash, DH is helping to compere a Harvest Dance as well as helping Eldest with his car.  I am going to try and get some house jobs done and carry on with the million and one quilt things I have still around which need completing!

I haven’t even read any of the Blogs I follow every day, because of lack of time!!!!!  I also haven’t replied to my friends who leave lovely comments for me 🙁  I do appreciate you leaving your comments and I will get back eventually!

Next week is even more manic but I have decided not to look at my diary until after the weekend.

I hope your weekend was good and your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x

Throwback Thursday!

I spent a day a couple of weekends ago tidying up my photograph folders on my computer.  The job took longer than it should as I was quite happily going through them all and looking at them!  So for Throwback Thursday I have found some great ones of The Boys which I love. 

The one above is Youngest acting in the Primary School play as Agamemnon.  I think this is where his love of acting came from.  How do you like the costume which was made in a day by me!!!! I had no clue what to make and winged it!!!!!!

Of course this time of year thoughts start to turn towards Christmas and this was taken on the steam train we always took the Boys on to see Santa Claus.  I mean Steam Trains and Santa Claus for boys just no contest.  Loved doing this when they were little.

First snow of the season 2009!  All three of them and Treacle were soaked when they came in but they had a great morning playing in the snow. 

Very busy day yesterday and I got a lot done which feels great.  Today is house job day and grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I have a few visits to do to deliver a birthday gift to a very good friend and then a gift for Girlfriend’s middle sister who is off to Uni this weekend!!!!!!  Hopefully we will get to see Eldest and Girlfriend over the weekend as she leaves next week for France!!! Oh my.

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I am resting today as tomorrow I am going for a Spa Day.

In fact Mom says she does not envy the ladies at the spa trying to get me clean and tidy, I have lots of knots!!!!  Mom tried to brush me at the weekend and she gave up!!!!!

Whilst I am out Mom is going to Spa my beds and all my other things which she says need doing!  I don’t know what she means!!!!!!  In fact Mom wanted me to go to the Spa last week but she could not get me in, they were full!!!!!

It’s my favourite time of the year when the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees and I get to play in them!  But not when Dad is trying to clear them up!  I then get into trouble for messing up the piles of leaves he has made to pick up 🙂

I hope you are having a Wonderful Woofy Wednesday and Happy Autumn



Well I failed completely with the Summer 2015 Book Challenge!!! I did join late and usually over the summer I read a lot but it has taken a back seat this year to my quilting and all the activities we do with the Boys and swimming and carnival and………!!!!!!!!

I have also not kept up with adding the few books I have read to my list of what I have read this year!!!!!!!! 

The book I have just finished I loved and if you get the chance to read it and you like fantasy books you will like this one.

I won’t spoil the plot for you if you want to read it but as you can determine from the title it is about a Library and I can honestly say that if I could choose a job then I would have the Heroine’s job!  Read it, its great!

Been busy today with work until my computer decided to blow a gasket and shut off completely and it took me three quarters of an hour to get it back!!!!!!  I was right in the middle of a piece of work as well!!!!!  Grr

I also missed getting Treacle on a quilt for the Pets for Quilts show which we love and I even missed the voting as we were away on vacation!!  Really must get more organised.  However after a very busy few months I almost get to the point where I really can’t think or sort anything else!!!!!!  I am blaming the menopause!!!!!!!!

I hope your Tuesday is well.

Hugs, Susie x

He Did Great!

The weather was good for Youngest’s first Triathlon, it was sunny first thing but had clouded over by the time he started.  His swim was obviously his strength and he did 400m in 00:06.52 which is slower than normal as they did not have anti-wave ropes in!  He then jumped out of the pool and ran off to get on the bike.  I managed to get out of the grounds where the Transition space was to see him riding up hill (he is on the inside) and I then decided to go back to where the transition area was to see him come in on his bike and start out on the run.  Well I waited and waited and waited and no Youngest, by which time I am starting to panic!  I found a marshal and explained he had not come in, he found another marshal and we were just about to moblise when he came in!  His chain had come off on the bike and he had to repair it so was late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh the relief!!!!!!

He set off on the run but this meant that he was the last runner in but he did 400m Swim, 18k Bike ride and 5k run in 1:33.06 which is a good time and he came 362 out of 443!  We are so proud of him carrying on after the difficulties on the Bike section and he completed it.  He, of course, was not happy with his time but that’s a teenager!!!!!

Coming through the Finish line!

However I think I have a few more grey hairs after yesterday!!!!!

Friday night we had a good evening at the charity ball and they raised over £8,000 for the local Hospice.  Saturday the swimming gala went well and they came third.

All in all a very successful but tiring weekend.  Hope your weekend went well.

Hugs, Susie x