Monthly Archives: March 2015

Gone For A While!

DH, Youngest, Treacle and I are on Vacation over the Easter break, leaving Eldest in Charge!

We hope everyone has a Lovely Easter Break.  See you all when we get back with lots of pictures

Hugs, Susie x

Wednesday Wag Take Two!

I have hijacked Mom’s computer today so that I can show you my new haircut.  I am a lot thinner now all my fluff has gone!!!  I am currently sitting on my clean quilt with my clean teddy!

Side view!

Hurry Up Mom I want to play with Teddy!

I also got a delivery from the nice delivery man today as well!

Now all I need to do is get into these bags that my lovely food has been delivered in!

I have also had a long snooze today as all the activity and three hours at my Spa yesterday took it out of me.

Happy Thursday everyone, Yeah tomorrow is Friday

Woof, Treacle

Treacle when she is on the bed with us! Mom

My “To Do” List

1.  Repair the two pairs of DH’s decent trousers and two pairs of Eldest’s decent trousers – What do they do to them??????

2.  Wash Treacle’s beds, quilt, collar and Teddy before the weekend.  Sorry Treacle you will just have to find a comfy bed to lie on whilst yours are in the wash!

3.  Persuade Youngest that he cannot pack his whole room to take on holiday with him! – Can I take my PS4 on holiday with me?  No we are going on a plane!

4.  Remember to empty the fridge and clean it before we go, along with cleaning the microwave, dishwasher, washer and tumble dryer!  

5.  Oh yes remember to pack for myself, having packed for everyone else!!!!!

Sometimes I wonder whether it is actually worth going on holiday all the things you have to do before you go away!!!!!

Been busy with work today as well and tonight I have a huge basket of ironing to get to with, things that they want to take away with them!  Then, of course, you have all the washing when you get home as well!!!!!!!

This is our friend’s property and their garden where we are going to stay!  Hopefully I will have lots more pictures to show you when we get home.

Hugs, Susie x

I Want To Believe!

There are lots of talks happening about an X-Files Revival for a short run with all the main characters reprising their roles!!!  I really want to believe this will happen as I really do love the show!  It would be great to wrap up some of the story lines that the ending sort of wrapped up but really didn’t!

So I am keeping my fingers crossed it will happen.

Today has been a non day of getting things completed, as we are all away on vacation at the end of the week to see our friends who have moved to France!  It will be great to see them and their new home but there is much to do before then.

The baby quilt is finished I just need to sandwich it and get it quilted but I have put it to one side for now as I have something to try and get finished this week!!! 

Getting quite tired now as we are getting ready for the school holidays and I will be glad that the next two weeks there will be no after school events or swimming!!!!!!!

Hope you are having a good Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

National Quilting Day

March 21st 2015 National Quilting Day


A Brief History of National Quilting Day

In 1989, the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society organized a “Quilters’ Day Out” on the third Saturday of March to celebrate the rich tradition of quilt making in Kentucky. In 1991, the NQA officers were so enthused with the concept and success of “Quilters’Day Out” that they voted to take it to a national level.

The first National Quilting Day was observed in 1992 and since then it has grown into a global celebration for all quiltmakers and quilt lovers. Helen Storbeck, one of the founders of National Quilting Day, wrote in The Quilting Quarterly, “Groups of quilters were encouraged to hold special events, publishers and shop owners were invited to sponsor promotions especially for quilters and it quickly became a grassroots endeavor with quilters in every part of the country participating.  In the first year of National Quilting Day, quilters in other countries asked to participate. They were welcomed with open arms. As our feelings of a community network has evolved to include a world community, it is only appropriate that quilters and quilt lovers everywhere united to give recognition to the special art form.”

So we have to quilt today regardless of what else is happening!!!!!!  I have lost most of the day due to my hair appointment and sorting out some things before that this morning 🙁  Never mind I am thinking about quilting and planning my quilting so that counts, I am sure!!!!

Happy National Quilting Day!


From :

Ladies Who Lunch!

I met Jayne, my novice quilter friend, for lunch today and it was great to catch up.  She and I have been really busy so we haven’t seen each other since December, besides on the school run, but then we are both dashing off!!!!!!

It was really nice to sit for a couple of hours, knowing that I didn’t have to be rushing off.  Of course that is because this morning I managed to get my cleaning and grocery shopping done!!!!  I also managed to get my work done this afternoon when I got back before Youngest got home from school.  On a Friday evening, if the weather is okay, he and three friends walk home from school!

Tomorrow is busy, as always, I am visiting my hairdresser, Youngest is swimming in the evening and DH is helping a friend with a charity event in the evening too! Sunday there is nothing on so I think we will try and  get some jobs done around the house, if the weather co-operates!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

Solar Eclipse

This is a picture from a city near us.  I actually saw the eclipse just before the clouds came.  Amazing!!!  The sun had a smile!

Treacle was running around in the garden like a lunatic, but the birds did stop singing!  It certainly got a little darker as the lights in the house got brighter, obviously not completely black as it was only a partial eclipse here.

Susie x

Thoughtful Thursday!

Tomorrow morning at about 9.35am there is to be a solar eclipse and here we should see a partial eclipse.  However the weather forecast is for cloud!!!! So I doubt we will be able to see it!  This always happens when something interesting is happening in the sky, it is always cloudy and we never get to see it!!!!!

I am having one of these days today, in fact a week like this! 

Throwback Thursday from nine years ago!  I just need to turn back the clock!

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

Mom has been working a lot at her desk this past week so I have been busy checking out all the positions in my basket.  This, so far, is my best spot!

Mom has arranged for my Spa day for next Wednesday as the two ladies who run it are extremely busy with the nice weather here, appointments are going fast!

As the weather is getting better I am spending more time outside and lots of things are coming to life.  Mom took this picture of me looking at the new buds on the plants.  This is a honeysuckle.

This is a little primula which has set up home under the wisteria.  Mom loves it as it is a self set, no doubt a gift from the birds who visit the garden.

Hopefully if the weather is good at the weekend Mom has promised an extra long walk!  Can’t wait to see who is out and about.

Hope you are having a Woofy Wednesday
