Tennis Season.

Next Monday is the start of Wimbledon Fortnight and the highlight of the grass court season.  Although with so many of the past years Tennis stars retiring and I have not had chance to see many other matches this year, I can honestly say I do not know many of the players, particularly on the Women’s side.  It will certainly be great to watch these new players who will no doubt become stars of the future.

Coco, like Treacle, is a huge fan of tennis balls and we will have to see if she watches the tennis matches like Treacle used to.

Another thing which features heavily at Wimbledon and this time of year is Strawberries.  They are one of my most favourite fruits and when I was expecting both Boys must have eaten pounds of them!  I do try and grow them at home but find that the birds usually get them before I do!

Because they have moved Wimbledon now into July it clashes with the Village Carnival but that is not a problem as DH is out every evening and I can watch the matches! 

The last few days have been very warm and sunny and we are not complaining but in the UK the weather is a big topic.  People often wonder why we do not have air conditioners in our homes, mainly because our Heatwaves only last a few days!  Today and into the weekend it is going to be nice but not as hot and a couple of days it is going to be cloudy.  Next week, of course, with Carnival events on it is due to rain!  Welcome to a British Summer!

The other problem we have with hot weather is what to eat?  The first hot day you have a salad which is great and then the second day someone suggests salad again and then you think okay it is still hot but by the third day you do not want salad!  But then what do you eat?  Something warm but then it is hot outside….   I solved the problem on Monday by making Lasagna and we had salad with it (and a few chips).  Last night as we had all been busy we had what we call “Freezer Food”  this is quick dinners so DH had fish fingers, I had battered chicken and Eldest & Girlfriend had pizza!  Tonight as it is cooler today I am cooking!

Home jobs did not get done today because of work (!) so they will be done tomorrow now and I will not sit down at my desk until they are all finished.  I make the mistake of sitting at my desk to just sort out a few emails and things and then I look at the clock and I have been sitting there for three hours!  Tomorrow I will start my jobs before I do anything else!  Saturday is still looking good for getting our garden done, it is due to be cloudy but warm which will be ideal for gardening!

Next week will also be my decluttering and sorting out week as well whilst DH is busy.  I will try and get some pictures.

I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Tennis Season.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut

    Duke loves the huge tennis ball that you sent to Molly a couple of years ago. I did try him with a “normal” sized one and kept losing it underneath anything that it can roll underneath We will try again but he’s already loving the tennis balls☺
    It’s not fun to heat up your kitchen with the oven when it’s hot out so we do the salad thing too – egg salad, tuna salad and anything on the stove top.

  2. farmquilter

    I wish I had been able to attend Wimbledon when my cousin was playing in the tournament!! Tara isn’t into playing with anything these days…she just wants to cuddle and sleep. Good thing she’s small as she is between my thigh and the arm of the chair right now! The only toy my big dogs ever liked was the Frisbee. When it’s hot, I’ll happily use my air fryer – it will bake too and is the size of a large toaster oven. It is great for heating up things that go soggy/limp in the microwave. I don’t have AC at the farm and I don’t use the AC down in Nevada, so I have a few fans and I’ll open windows when it is cooler outside.

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