Monthly Archives: June 2023

Goodbye June, Hello July.

Well June flew by but at least we have had some lovely warm days and the plants and flowers have loved it!  Tonight is the “Cake Off” cake competition for the Carnival as well as getting ready for tomorrow.  The weather so far is supposed to be okay with sunshine and no rain, but of course that can change really quickly here in the UK!!!!

Tonight Youngest and Girlfriend are going to see the new Indiana Jones film.  Youngest has been a fan for years and was determined to go and see the film as soon as it was released.  When he was young he always dressed up as Indiana Jones and especially at any fancy dress parties. 

July is busy already with DH every weekend at a swimming event but one weekend when they are all off to The Goodwood Festival of Speed to look at all the cars!!  That day I have a Spa appointment and of course looking after little Miss Coco. 

I only have a few chapters left of my book and I can say I have really enjoyed it, as I say not for you if you don’t like horror things but it is very well written.  In fact I was reading last night in bed and doing the “only one more chapter” until about 1.00am when I decided I needed to put the light out and get some sleep as I was up at 5.00am!

I hope you the lovely have a wonderful summer weekend. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx


For #TBT I thought I would show you some of the pictures of the Boys from past Carnivals in the Village.

When Eldest was in the parade with Scouts I would take Youngest on some of the fairground rides before it got too busy.  Here he is in the Teacups from 2005 (he was 5 years old)

Here is Youngest in his first parade with Beavers as an Oompa Loompa.  Jayne and I were talking about this at our lunch on Tuesday.  This was 2006 and he was six.

This was at the Duck Race in 2011.  All the years we have bought Ducks in the races this was the only time we won and it was not us that won, it was Treacle!  Youngest collected it for her and he bought her a treat with the winnings!

Eldest dressed as an “old” Scout in the Carnival Parade celebrating 100 Years of Scouting

Youngest in the same Parade in his Beaver uniform.

Eldest liked it as he got older that he could actually help with the Carnival events.  Here he is in 2013 stood in the brook waiting to catch the Ducks at the finish.  He was 18 here.

So far all the events have gone well with only rain last night at the Duck Race so they all came home rather damp!  At the moment the weather is supposed to be okay for the rest of the events including Saturday, the main day!  Finger’s crossed.

Because it has been a chaotic week, tomorrow is home jobs day and grocery shopping and at the weekend I am hoping to get things sorted in my sewing room!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

This is a photograph from 2013 on holiday in Scotland at the Ballater Highland Games.

Coco’s Corner.

I have been having a hard time of it with this thing that Mom says is called my Season!  I did not know what was happening to me and I needed lots of hugs and love off everyone!  I finally feel more like myself and have been playing again!  I really hope that does not happen again!

Mom has her sewing room back and has said I can have a new bed in there, so when she is sewing I can be with her.  She does not know what sort to get though.  I have my big basket next to Mom’s desk and a bit smaller basket in Mom and Dad’s room, so Mom thought of getting me something different for her sewing room. 

So far this is the one she likes the most.  I don’t mind so long as it is comfy and I can snuggle in it.  Mom says one benefit of this one is that she can wash all of it!!  I don’t know what she means.

It has been very warm over the last week or so and I have been outside soaking up the sun although Mom does keep an eye on me in case I am digging which Dad does not like!!  I am going for a Spa day next week to cut my furs and also make me feel better after this horrible season thing!

It has been cooler over the last few days which has been nice but we are supposed to be back to warm sunshine next.  I hope you are having a wonderful woofy week.

Coco xx

Susie’s Friday Book Club.

I think someone is stealing days from me!  I honestly don’t know where the time goes.  Anyway I know it is Monday but I did not want to wait until this Friday to do this month’s Book Club so here it is.

For those of you who do not like horror or gruesome books then this one is not for you!  I have read five of Chris Carter’s books now and loved them. 

Detective Robert Hunter and his partner are called in the early hours of the morning to a murder scene at a home in LA.  The pretty young woman who owns the home is inside but is dead in the most heinous of ways, something which no one at the scene has ever seen before, even the medical examier and her team are horrified. 

There is no obvious means of forced entry so did the murderer know the victim?  Why is the death so horrible.  Robert starts to investigate but starts to run in to problems straight way.  Will he be able to find the killer before he does this again?

Because I have been so busy over the last few weeks I am only on Chapter Fifteen of this book, but I love it! 


Now don’t faint but I have actually managed to catch up with ALL my jobs; work, home, swimming everything!  I have been working my little socks off to get it all done but I have managed it.  That’s not to say of course that the jobs don’t keep happening, like the washing and ironing, but I am up to date now!!!

Tomorrow Jayne and I are going out for lunch for our Birthdays so can’t wait, i think it will be my reward for getting everything done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxx

It’s Only Wednesday!

June 21st The Summer Solstice

Today is the longest day, although I have been going through the “waking up at silly o’clock” phase again and have quite often heard the birds starting to sing as it gets light, sometimes it seems like it is 3.00am when they start!

I know that the nights begin to pull in from now but only small amounts each day but it seems like we have only just got into summer, when everyone then begins to talk about Autumn and Winter!  I could have clocked someone the other day who actually mentioned Christmas!  I am hoping that we are going to have some lovely warm weather for the next few months.

When we have finished tidying the garden I will get some pictures to show you. 

I hope your Longest Day is a good one. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

I Don’t Know Where The Weeks Go!

I honestly don’t know where the weeks go to, no sooner is it Monday, it is then the weekend and it all starts again!

Poor little Coco has been suffering for the last three weeks in heat and it has really knocked her for six.  Fortunately she finished last week and is getting back to her normal self.  It has not helped that it has also been very warm here too.  I am booking her in for a spa day which will hopefully make her feel better.

I have been continuing to get home jobs done, you know all those jobs that get left, the “I’ll get around to it” jobs!  I managed to get all the curtains washed and hung out on the line to dry while it has been nice and just now need to wash dressing gowns, cushion covers and blankets. 

DH and I got quite a bit done in the garden but still have some tidying to do, but again it is an ongoing job! 

Happy Belated Father’s Day to DH.  We had a family gathering on Saturday evening as Eldest’s Girlfriend it was her Birthday last Thursday, mine is tomorrow and obvously Father’s Day yesterday, so it was a triple celebration.  We even got to eat outside as it was nice!

Work has been manic as it was our business Year End and then getting everything sorted for the new business year, as well as helping Eldest with his work too.  I really do feel like a swan sometimes, it may look calm and peaceful gliding across the water but furiously paddling below!!!  That is definitely how I feel a lot of the time at the moment.  It is also the start of Carnival on Sunday!  A week of chaos as always and then DH has a swimming commentating job the day after the main Carnival Day on July 1st so another frantic weekend.  I am really looking forward to our holiday in August!

Things have been really busy as well at swimming and I have been helping Youngest sort out the small pool swimmers change over, which is done every sixteen weeks.  We did the first one in a while in March and I thought oh good the next one is June and suddenly we are in June and having to do it all again!!

I haven’t even been able to sort out my sewing things since Eldest moved out, everyhing got put in the room but nothing is sorted yet.  I still have some jobs to catch up on before I can sort that out!

This week is realtively peaceful with only a business meeting on Wednesday, so again I will have chance to catch up on things.  Hopefully tomorrow DH is taking me out for breakfast for my Birthday!

I know I missed Book Club Friday but will do that this week.  Promise.

I hope you lovely lot will have a wonderful week and enjoying the start of Summer. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco


What a two weeks!  Poor little Coco has been having her season for the last two weeks, she and I do not know what to do with her!  She has become very needy and I am spending a lot of my day cleaning up.  I do hope she will finish soon for her sake as she really is out of sorts.  Good news is that in three months time we will be able to get her spayed so she won’t have to go through this again.

As with everything else here in the UK we go from freezing cold to baking hot!  The last few days have been very, very sunny and hot.  It was then a scramble to get out summer quilts, fans and everything summer!  We have to take action quickly because this could be our summer and it could also go back to being cold!!!!! 🙂

Of course with the heat comes the fact that trying to sleep at night is hard, so when the alarm went off at 5.00am this morning I felt like I had only just gone to sleep!!!

DH spent the weekend at the local pool commentating and I spent the weekend doing jobs!  I have, however, caught up with home jobs and work so at least I am starting this week with a clean slate!!!

Today is my best friend, Jayne, her Birthday.  Mine is next week and as you know we go out once a month for lunch so we are going out the last week of June for our Birthday lunch!  Will try and remember to take pictures!!!

DH and I managed to get the garden tidy and I did my pots for the summer, having to keep Madam from investigating them.  Still have one or two things to do but can do those on the odd days when DH is not commentating! 

I have a spa day coming up on Thursday and home jobs to do on Friday.  Saturday DH and I will be sorting out our new Business Year and doing budgets.  Eldest’s Girlfriend her Birthday is on Thursday this week (all these June Birthdays!) and so Saturday evening we will probably have a takeaway and hopefully if the weather holds we can eat outside.  Sunday DH has another swimming meeting but hopefully we will be able to do a bit more in the garden as well. 

Tomorrow I will  show you how the sewing room is coming on.

Have a wonderful week. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

Summer & #TBT.