Monthly Archives: July 2016

It’s Friday, Yeah!!!!!!

This picture is for Youngest as he loves VW camper vans! 

It has been a busy old week and I think I have seen every single piece of farm equipment this week on the roads whilst taking Youngest backwards and forwards to his course!  There have even been a couple of combine harvesters.  The wheat has done really well with all the rain and then lots of sun so some of the fields are now being harvested, instead of at the end of August beginning of September.

Youngest has really enjoyed this week and done a lot of work and has three more days next week and he is well on track to passing the course.  I went to the dentist this morning for teeth cleaning and we are all going next week for our six monthly checkup.  This afternoon was house cleaning and getting up to date with my paperwork for work.  I am trying to keep on top of things so I don’t have lots to do next week in the build up to us going away.

This is where Madam has spent the day! 

But as soon as Daddy got home, cuddles!!!!

Eldest and Girlfriend are going out for dinner tonight as they have been going out together for five years!!!!  Oh my.  They are coming for a family dinner tomorrow evening before we all go off on vacation and work things.  DH & Youngest are having their hair cut tomorrow and hopefully we will be able to do some more work done in the garden and a couple of final house jobs, which need doing and then we are up to date with that.  Of course by the time we get back from vacation it will all need doing again!!!!!

I hope you all have a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

The Wednesday Wag!

I have been outside all day again today as the weather is warm and sunny although it rained quite a bit last night.

Mom was still shouting at me for eating the Fuschia flowers but she has found out that they are not poisonous, so she is quite relieved.  Molly & Mackie’s Mom asked if they taste of strawberries and I love strawberries, but Mom is not too sure she wants to try them herself.

I am missing my playmate, Youngest, as he is out on a course (whatever one of those things are) this week so he is not home until 6.00pm but he is in time to give me my dinner!

I think we may all be going on vacation soon as Mom is starting to get things out and bags are appearing, so I am off to choose which toys I will be taking with me.  Mom also has to get my basket, which goes with me, out so she can give it a wash and clean before we go.

I hope you are having a wonderful summer Wednesday

Woof, Treacle

Are We There Yet?

I am playing taxi driver this week as Youngest is doing his Level 2 Teaching Aquatics course and because Derbyshire are having a problem with the local pools the course is being run in Litchfield.  Now from where we live to get there is approximately three quarters of an hour and on Saturday DH and I went off to find out where the leisure centre was so I knew for Monday morning, when Youngest had to be there for 8.30am. 

Monday morning we set off at 7.30am and got to within ten miles when the traffic was at a full stop!  Saturday night/Sunday morning they had put  over five miles of roadworks up, but there were no signs to say they were doing this on Saturday!!!!!!  We made it in time, just, but it was very close.  So having spoken to DH at work he told me of a back route to get home avoiding the traffic, which I used last night and this morning.  It takes well over an hour to get there now but with no traffic hold ups, but it is all country lanes!!!  I clocked the mileage today and it is forty miles so I am doing 160 miles a day!!!!!!!    Youngest is really enjoying the course, so that is all that counts.

In other news (!) I managed with DH’s help to get Eldest’s/the Sewing room cleaned from top to bottom and it looks wonderful now.  I still have some sewing to do which I am hoping to get done later this week.   I also have some extra housework to do before we go away on vacation.  Eldest and Girlfriend are looking after the home while we are away so I am getting things sorted before then.  Can’t wait to go away!!!!!

Treacle is misbehaving and has now decided to eat the fuschia flowers!!!  She has been told off and sent to her basket and is now looking very sorry for herself!!!!

At the end of August Eldest celebrates his 21st Birthday and we get back from vacation on the Saturday, so he has decided he wants to go out on his actual Birthday, which is the Monday, for dinner.  We have booked a table at The Bulls Head, Repton for eleven of us and I am glad that is another thing ticked off my To Do List!!!!

I have a basket of ironing to get done before I go and collect Youngest and then take him straight to swimming. 

I hope your Tuesday is going well

Hugs, Susie x

I Won!

I never win anything but always like to support quilter’s Giveaways as they have taken the time to sort things out.  Anyway I entered Farmquilter’s Giveaway ( in May and I won one of the prizes!  She is so nice.  I got the Gift Certificates for Appliques, Quilts & More (  Farmquilter knows how bad I am at applique and so I was able to get some applique shapes, so I can practice some more!!!!!!

This is what arrived in the mail today!!!!!  I chose the snowflakes and Halloween appliques which gives me chance to sort projects out before Halloween and Christmas.  I had to have the Trucks because of DH and I have always loved the Dutch barns.  I think the Barn and the Trucks will go together. 

Thank you so much Farmquilter for your Giveaway.  I will show the projects when I have done them.

As it is Friday I will join with Molly, Mackie and their Mom for Flower Friday.  These have opened in my garden this week:

My lavender and it smells wonderful.

The Buddleia has just started to open but unfortunately no butterflies or bees were on it when I took the picture!

I cannot remember what this is called but I just love the flower.

Treacle is spending so much time outside as it is lovely and warm (not hot and oppressive today) that we can’t actually get her in at night!!!!!!

Checking out the garden to make sure there are no intruders!

We are hoping to get more things done in the garden this weekend before we go away on vacation and Youngest is busy with swimming and he is going bowling with his Girlfriend and a group of their friends on Sunday.  All next week and three days of the following week he is on his Level 2 Teaching Aquatics Course, so it will be like being back at school taking and collecting him from the course everyday!!!!  DH and he also have to get their hair cut before we go away.

I am hoping to get some quilting done over the weekend as I still have two projects to finish which again I want to try and get done before we go away.  I am ticking things off my list slowly but surely though!!!!!!

I hope you all have a lovely summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x


Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday today and this was taken in 2011 when we took the Boys to London to celebrate Youngest moving from Primary School to Senior School (aged 11) and Eldest moving from School to Sixth Form (aged 16).  We had Afternoon Tea in the Palm Court of The Ritz Hotel.  Very serious faces!!!!!!!

It has been warm today but not as bad as the last few days and last night I slept the sleep of the completely exhausted!!! 

I managed to get the cleaning done today, first thing before it got too warm, and then did my work before taking Youngest to the local airport, so he could meet his Girlfriend and her parents back from their holiday!!!!!!!! Here we go again!!!!!  DH is busy working most days and evenings so I get to see him for only a couple of hours!  Can’t wait for our vacation when we can spend some time together as a family.

Hope you are having a lovely, and hopefully cool, summer.

Hugs, Susie x

The Hot Wednesday Wag!

It is very, very hot.  The humidity is of course the worse thing running at about 50% during the day but up to 85% at night, so no one in the house is getting any sleep!!!!!

Mom worked at her desk yesterday, the hottest day, and then got her ironing done and she felt like this afterwards :

Today she and I have been helping to clean Youngest’s bedroom from top to bottom.  She usually tries and does this once a month but with being busy for the last two months it has not been done, so today was the day!  He is generally tidy so that was not the problem but its the amount of things he has!!!  Which all have to be moved and dusted and polished and then put back!!!  It took them FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and in this heat!!!!  She still has to do Eldest’s room (which she is now using as a sewing room) but apparently Dad is going to be roped in to help!!!!!

However I did get a gift after helping with the room :

One of Youngest’s old footballs!  Its great.  Mom’s gift?  A load more shredding!!!!!!!

Tomorrow Mom has normally cleaning jobs to do and the grocery shopping as she has to be out on Friday, although she hopes that she will be getting some more sleep soon as she is starting to feel a little spaced out!!!!!!  I don’t know what she means!

Hot Woof


Scorching Hot!

It is really hot here today.  Not as hot as some parts of the World of course but hot for us!  88°F today and tomorrow it is forecast to be the same and not dropping much below.  I am so glad I had Treacle cut shorter as she is coping with the heat well.  Can’t say the same for the rest of us!

Tissington Hall

The same could not be said for the weather on Saturday when DH and I went looking for the craft fair.  It was held in the Village Hall at Tissington, a very pretty village in the Derbyshire Peak District.  We got there and the rain had stopped just for us to walk from the car park to the village hall.  The craft fair took us a long time to got round it; a minute at most.  There were four tables, two of which were jewellery, and that was it!  The stallholders were more interested in talking to each other than the one other person in there and us!!!!  I don’t think I will be going there.

“Tissington Hall was built in 1609 by Francis FitzHerbert to replace the moated fortification that guarded the Norman Church of St Mary’s in the centre of the village. For over 400 years the Hall has presided over this picturesque Estate Village which is five miles north of the delightful market town of Ashbourne at the southern tip of the Peak District. Sir Richard inherited the estate and hall in 1989. He lives there with his wife Fiona and it is a home to the four children, six dogs, two cats and a plethora of other animals. Tissington, with its rich history dating back to the eleventh century, is unique in that it is one of only 300 homes in the country that can boast that fact that the descendants of the original builder still live there, 400 years later. The Family welcome visitors from near and far every year and all the staff will ensure your visit is a special one.” (

The first picture of the hall was taken out of the car window as it was raining heavily by the time we were leaving but the above picture is from the Tissington website.

Sir Richard Fitzherbert, 9th Baronet

Sir Richard can often be found taking a shift at Herbert’s Tearooms, as he was on Saturday when we were there.

However DH and I had a lovely walk round the village.  Here is the Duck Pond.

Outside the Tea Rooms there was a youth band from Surrey playing and they were very good.

DH and I had lunch in the tea rooms inside as all the tables were occupied outside.

This is the village well

One of the properties next to the Hall.  You can see how green the grass is, thanks to all the rain we have had.

I have been to Tissington Hall quite a few times, twice in a private capacity.  Whilst I was working as a legal secretary my ultimate boss was friends with the 8th Baronet, Sir John Fitzherbert, and the legal firm drew up his Will, which had to be signed and then witnessed by his secretary and myself.  This was before Tissington was opened to the public and we got to go up one snowy winter’s afternoon where our boss had afternoon tea with Sir John and his secretary and I had afternoon tea in the library served by the Butler.  It was like stepping into Pride and Prejudice!  It is an amazing memory. 

My second private visit was when I was expecting Youngest and Ladies Circle had a private tour around the hall by Sir Richard, nine years after taking over from his Uncle Sir John when he passed away.  It was a splendid evening.

Here is Youngest when he was presented with his Gold Scout Award by Sir Richard.

I hope you all had a great weekend and if it is hot where you are remember to drink plenty of water.

Hugs, Susie x

It’s Friday!

Yep it’s Friday we made it!!!  But oh what a week, it has been so busy.  I have been mopping up the last of our Year End for the Business which means shredding the files etc from seven years ago to replace them with the paperwork from this financial year.  It is job I don’t look forward to but after six big bin liners full of shredding we got to the end and then all I had to do is go through all the current files and take out the paperwork to be filed.  I finally finished today!!!!

This was the mess after the shredding!!!!

Treacle came back from the Spa yesterday and looks and smells so much better!  I asked for her to be clipped shorter than normal as it is forecast to get a lot warmer over the next few weeks.  This look above says “I am not happy!  I have discovered that both my beds are in the wash including my patchwork quilt and my collar so I am nude as well!”

And this look says stop messing around with the camera Mom and hurry up with the washing!

I should have got my house jobs done today but ended up finishing my work so I will have to do those first thing in the morning.  Youngest has managed to catch another cold (!) so I am hoping this time I won’t!!!!

Joining with Molly, Mackie and their Mom for their Flower Friday here are the flowers in my terracotta pots.  I am waiting for some more flowers to come out in the garden, especially my lavender which is due to flower soon.

Tomorrow DH and I are off to a craft show to do a bit of investigating to see what it is like and costs etc.  I will let you know how I get on.  Sunday is due to be nice weather here and getting a little warmer, so hopefully we will be able to get into the garden as well. 

I hope you have had a lovely week and have a wonderful Summer Weekend.

Hugs, Susie x

The Wednesday Wag!

I have had a very busy week so far!  There are some workmen at the top of the road where we live and I have taken it upon myself to make sure that they know that I am around!!!!!!

Today the dreaded bin men came today and they made a lot of noise!  Mom has been really busy over the last few days as Dad has been away in a place called Germany so she has not been sleeping well and so decided to not get up as early today.  The bin men came early and were banging the bins around as well as the noise from the truck!!!!!  I shouted at them to stop but they didn’t take any notice!!!!!

Yesterday I went to my Doctors for my annual check up and booster injections and Youngest came with me.  My Doctor was very pleased with how I had been since my tooth operation and pronounced me fit and well.  I was a little sleepy most of the day.


Tomorrow I am off to the Spa for a day of pampering.  My chauffeur and her assistant have to be up early tomorrow so I can have my breakfast before we are off and I won’t be home until after lunch, when I will expect my biscuit!  It is great having staff!!!!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Summer Woofy Wednesday


Busy Weekend!

We always seem to have a busy weekend and hopefully the weather will co-operate as we have to get into the garden and start doing some work there as it has been left after the last few busy weeks.  However it is a busy weekend for sport, well the sport we like!!!! 

It is the Ladies and Gentleman’s Wimbledon finals on Saturday and Sunday  which should both be good matches. 


It is also the British F1 over the weekend as well!  Why couldn’t they put it on a separate weekend?  So I think the recorder will be busy and we can then watch them at our leisure!

Youngest is busy coaching at the swimming club over the weekend as well, as we have people away on holiday.  It is getting to that time of year when all the plans go out of the window and we have to start shuffling people around to cover sessions.  It is really fun, NOT!!!!!

My other job over the weekend is to tidy Eldest’s room, my sewing room.  I won’t show you a picture of what it looks like, it really is just too bad, but I would love it to look like this!!!!!!  Now this really is one tidy room.!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely sunny summer weekend.

Hugs, Susie x