The Wednesday Wag.

Mom is busy at the moment sorting her Blog out and she has promised that I am going to have my own page and there will be a link above!  I have my own day as you know, today Wednesday, The Wednesday Wag, but Mom thought I should also have a page.  Look out for it appearing soon.

It has gone very cold over the last few days and our heating has been on but Mom has made sure I am warm during the day and if I am in my basket covers me up.  I did have a snooze this afternoon whilst she was working at her desk.

Mom was also busy sorting out photographs on her computer and found this one from last Christmas!  I mean really?!!!!!!  I am not as woolly as this yet but getting there!  Hopefully I will be at the Spa soon for a lovely wash and trim.

Mom and Dad are away next week for a few days and I am in charge of the Boys whilst they are away.  I just need to make sure that they know the time so I get my breakfast, lunchtime biscuit and dinner on time!!!  Mom will be checking in with them to make sure they are on the case.

I do hope you are all having a lovely Woofy Wednesday. 

Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. farmquilter

    Woolly or clipped, you always look adorable, Treacle!! Tara is happily snoozing on the foot portion of the recliner, between my calves (as the laptop takes up my actual lap!). If the boys are working, will you miss your lunch biscuit?? You might be faint by the time dinner shows up if that is the case!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Absolutely, you should have your very own page, Treacle! We are finally getting cold temps and frost in the morning. Mom and I both love our walk when she’s bundled up. It’s so refreshing and beautiful! You look so adorable in your santa hat!

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