
I don’t know if I told you but we have been in our home now for twenty years, moved in on October 10th with the Builders!  The people who we bought it off built it, badly, so when we moved in we wanted to move walls round internally and when our Builder began we started to find all the problems!!  All the windows in the house were single glazed which are no good for heat retention and definitely useless with two boys aged 6 and 2 and a dog!  So we had them all replaced with double glazed units which, after twenty years, some have started to fail.

So the glass men are here today replacing various sizes of units in every room except the bathroom!!  DH has had to work from home today as well to help me with moving furniture, emptying our dressing room etc!  Anyway once this is done it will be one of our major jobs off our list!  Just now need the Den and Kitchen ceilings re-plastering!!

Somebody is getting very woolly again so I have put a call into her ladies at her Spa for an appointment, it is just trying to time it with now and Christmas!  It may be she will just need to go a little nearer to Christmas for a bath, she will be so pleased, NOT!

Christmas is fast approaching and I have been baking and have managed to get all that put away now.  DH is getting bookings for Christmas events already and I am busy sorting out dates for seeing friends and family. I am working on the basis that things will go ahead but keeping my fingers crossed! Jayne and I are planning a trip to Nottingham for some Christmas shopping and lunch of course!!!  Hopefully in the next few weeks. 

Tonight I have a huge basket of ironing to get done and tomorrow a few errands to run!  I hope you are having a good Tuesday.

Hugs & Love,  Susie & Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “Workmen!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    New windows should be a huge improvement for you. I got groomed yesterday, Treacle, and of course the temps are going to drop to freezing tonight. Fortunately for me, I love the cold brisk weather!

  2. farmquilter

    We got new windows at the farm house 7 years ago…you no longer need a quilt wrapped around your shoulders when you sit on the couch! Used to be able to see the curtains blowing in the wind!! I think they were the original windows that were put in when the house was built in 1931!! I wish they had replaced all the windows, but no one asked me – the joys of living in a house owned by your FIL! Now we need the furnace replaced as it is probably 70 years old! Stay warm. Fingers crossed there will be no new lockdowns!!!

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