DH and I are off to London next week, a little bit of business and a little bit of downtime, especially as it is our Wedding Anniversary on the 12th.  So as it is Throwback Thursday I have selected a few of the pictures from previous London trips.  I know you have seen them before but still!!!!

These wonderful sheet are dotted around the The Goring Hotel where we stay

The spectacular London Eye lit in purple, a favourite colour of mine.

The Ralph Lauren shop in Sloane Square dressed for Wimbledon.

My wonderful Boys with “James Bond” at Madame Tussauds from 2005, they were six and ten!

We have a couple of visits booked and a Theatre trip which was cancelled from last year due to Covid (!) to go to and I am hoping that we will be able to do it all, just in case that the rules change again as cases are rising and they think they may have to bring in some more restrictions again.  Hopefully not another Lockdown especially as Christmas is racing towards us like a freight train! 

I have been working today so tomorrow will be home jobs day and grocery shopping and a few other errands to do.  Tomorrow is also Bonfire Night although we are not going out but will have a Bonfire dinner at home.  Saturday and Sunday DH is out compering a swimming event so I have two days in which I can get lots done.  Saturday evening we are going to the evening reception of the Boys Godparents their daughters wedding.  Hopefully I will get photographs!

Have a wonderful Friday. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT.

  1. farmquilter

    I hope you have a wonderful time in London for the anniversary/work trip, with an emphasis on the fun parts!! Just love the Goring and its sheep!! That fireplace, perfect place to warm your toes on a cool autumn night in London!!

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