Christmas is Coming!

19 Days To Go!

Yes only 19 days left before the Festive Season and there’s beginning to be a note of panic in women’s voices!!!  November everyone knows that Christmas is next month, but its weeks away and then you get December 1st!  Getting closer but we still have weeks to sort out the presents and the food and get it all delivered and generally spread Festive Cheer.  Then December 5th!  It doesn’t still sound too bad but when you then say 19 days oh boy, the panic sets in!

The Christmas cake still needs to be made, costumes for school nativities need to be finished, Christmas cards to write and send, menus and food shopping to be done (how many are coming?).  The dog needs to go to the groomers, you need to pick up that special bath oil for your Aunt (its the only thing she likes!), you need to get to that one store that only has those particular cheese biscuits the family eat!!!!!!!  And the list goes on!!!!

I try very hard each year to not be in this position.  I plan, I organise and still it gets to December 5th and 19 days to go and I still have 101 things left to do! So far I have four cakes to marzipan and ice, two more Christmas puddings to steam, the last few presents to wrap and then get to where they need to be, cards to mail, menus to plan (how many are coming?), Treacle to the groomers (if her leg is better!!!!) and then plan all the fun things to do as well!!!!!!! 

Has anyone got a clock with twenty eight hours in the day?   Anyone?

So my Holiday Tip for today is


This is what I am going to do today!  A food list, a visiting list and a to do list today!  Well its a theory!  I will let you know how it goes tomorrow!

Here are some pictures of our Christmas decorations

Here is my desk in the den which I use for work and sewing!  You can see the Christmas cards written, just waiting to post them off.  Also the fall wall hanging which I am still trying to finish quilting!!!

This is my trio of singing snowmen in our kitchen

Santa Claus in the kitchen

The door to the garden, very cold and windy today!

Our Christmas tree in all its splendor.  There are decorations on it from when my mother was a little girl, decorations DH and I have collected since we were married and decorations The Boys have made through the years

I love lights at Christmas and these are on the stairs

DH and I bought this our first Christmas together and I know Jesus should not be put in until Christmas Day but Mary and Joseph look a little silly gazing at nothing!

These two were bought when the Boys were little!

So that’s our holiday decorating for this year.  I still have some cushions to make (time allowing) which I will hopefully be able to show you.

Must dash as I have household chores to do today as well as at least three things off my list!!!!!

Have a Thrilling Thursday

Susie x

2 thoughts on “Christmas is Coming!

  1. Sharon

    I love your pretty snow scene on your banner! Good luck with the list idea! If you find a clock with 28 hrs, please let me know, I will get one too!

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