The Wednesday Wag – Christmas Style

20 Days To Go!

Here on Wednesday Wag we are taking this coming Festive Season in our stride and one of things I have been trying to sort is my Christmas outfit!

I have narrowed it down to these two, what do you think?  

It is very busy at home at the moment with Mom rushing around from one job to the next and I keep following her every move, especially when she is in the kitchen baking!  It is amazing how many treats end up on the floor at this time of year!!!!

I am eagerly awaiting the fall of the white stuff so I can go out and have fun with The Boys, at the moment there is no sign of snow but hopefully soon.  

Mom says I have to do a Holiday Tip for the Season so here is mine


When you master your cute look you get loads more treats, hugs and kisses and are let off when you track snow onto the nice clean floors!!

Have a Woofy Wednesday


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