Christmas is Coming!

14 Days To GO!

Yes only fourteen days left, oh my!!!  The days are flying by and I still have a million and one things to do!  Work being one of them!!! Had the annual meeting with the Bank Manager today (which I could have done without two weeks before Christmas!) and I still have a load of work to catch up on.

My list idea worked to an extent until I got sidetracked onto other things.  So my list today is :

Washing & Ironing to complete, Scouts Christmas party and Youngest is going, work to finish, last few presents to wrap, cards to deliver in the village, dinner to get, two more Christmas cakes to finish and two puddings to steam! 

Hmm don’t think it is all going to be done today!!!

Friday last I went over to Nottingham to finish the last bits of Christmas shopping and have lunch, which was a great day.  Friday evening we wrapped The Boys presents and the last few that we need to get to different parts of the country.

Here is Youngest with his cake and his three friends (all in Onesies except Youngest)

Saturday night Youngest had a sleep over with three friends from school and they watched a dvd and had pizza for dinner and then on Sunday morning they all went Paintballing with Eldest (DH went too but took the pictures!!!!)

Here they are at the centre ready for action!


They had a fantastic day, the weather was kind, and they all came back tired but happy!  I had packed them off with a picnic and I said I will make you some soup to take with you.  No, says DH its fine!  I then had a message after an hour “its really cold here”!!!!!!!!  I didn’t say I told you so  but……!

Sunday I stayed home make Christmas cakes and getting them baked but managed to only get two done because of the long cooking time! 

So my Holiday Tip for today is


Of course by this time next year I will probably have forgotten this and still be making cakes with two weeks to go!!!!!

The weekend is busy (really?!) as we are off to see Baby Evalyn (and Mom and Dad of course) on Friday evening, Saturday we are hosting, again, the Arena League swimming meet in the evening and Sunday we are visiting family and friends in Nottingham during the day and going to a wedding reception in the evening! 

The Happy Couple have family in Australia and this is what they sent them for Sunday.  Isn’t it lovely?

A lovely patchwork wreath and one I am sure they won’t mind being copied!

Anyway I must be off as I have lots to do, now where did I put my list?

Susie x

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