Christmas is Coming!

21 Days To Go!

21 Days to go and here is my third tip of the Holiday Season


Yep, when you were in your twenties you could party all night, work all day, do chores and run errands, party all night and get up the next morning and do it all again! 

However I am afraid that is not the case as you get older!  DH and I went to a Christmas Party on Saturday night and we left at midnight and since then I have been as tired as I don’t know what!!!!!  Yes we had had a few late nights in the run up to the party, busy with The Boys, work etc but wow one night of partying and I am done in!

So although this time of year is hectic during the day and into the evening, if you get an evening where everyone is out, just leave those few jobs and sneak off to bed early!  Even if you don’t go to sleep right away, if you are in bed you are resting!  Guess what I am going to do tonight?!!!!! 🙂

I still have lots to do, as soon as I cross one thing off my list I seem to be adding two more at the bottom!

Have a snoozy Tuesday!

Susie x

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