Coco’s Corner.

Mom says this is why I need a haircut and a long time at the Spa!!!  Because I can hardly see around my furs!!

I am very woolly at the moment as you can see but I will be super skinny tomorrow although Mom says it is going to be cold so I will no doubt be shivering when I come home!!!!

We all had a very busy Sunday and I spent the day helping Mom and Dad do the Spring Cleaning, which meant that I did not get any sleep all day.  Yesterday I spent the whole day in my basket next to Mom’s desk sleeping!  It is very hard working doing this Spring Cleaning.

Mom wanted me to show you her Rhododendron at the top of our garden.  It hardly had any flowers on it last year, but this year it is glorious.  Mom chose this one as it was the lovely pale pink/peach colour, she already has a lovely pink Rhododendron and also a very pale pink one as well so this was a great alternative.  There is a blue one which Mom would like to get as well.

Mom and Dad are hoping to get the Spring Cleaning finished this weekend.  It was going to be a gardening day but the weather looks like it is going to be raining again, but at least they will get one set of jobs done.  Dad has another weekend free in May when Mom is hoping that will be good weather to get garden jobs done then!!!

Happy Tuesday and I hope you are having a lovely Woofy Day. 

Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Coco’s Corner.

  1. farmquilter

    Coco, you look so soft and woolly!! I would love to have your coat to keep me warm…I have to cuddle under blankets with my short, thin coat to stay warm. I do miss cuddling on my Papa’s lap when he would take a nap with me in the afternoons. Maybe your mom will put a jumper on you to keep you warm…my mom tries this but I hate them and wriggle out of every one she has tried HA HA!! Stay warm!!! Tara

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Your Rhododendron is just gorgeous, Susie, and I love the colors! It has to warm up sooner or later, Coco, and at almost the end of April – you will be ready!

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