
It is with a heavy heart that we have learnt that Dear, Sweet Molly has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. 

I always say it is the very worst bit of having our wonderful fur babies, when they leave us and no matter how long they have been with us, it is always too short. 

I originally found Molly’s Blog several years ago and like Sue we have had Airedales for years, my Grandfather used to breed them before 1939, so they were very much a family breed.  From reading Molly’s Blog we got to know her and Sue very well and although we are three thousand miles apart, great friends which means the World to me.   We, of course, went through this when our darling Treacle passed over the Bridge two years ago, Sue and Molly were there for us then. 

Our love, thoughts and hugs go out to Molly’s dear Mom, Sue.

Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Molly.

  1. farmquilter

    I am so very sorry, Sue! My heart breaks for you. I know Molly was a much-loved member of your family and the hole she left is huge. Praying for you and your family.

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