What Day Is It?

So Saturday dawned early with rain, again, and DH was off to the swimming event.  This event is a special one as it is for a charity for people with cerebral palsy.  What these swimmers over come to get in the pool and swim is just amazing.  I got up early too to make dinner and finish my ironing before heading to see Little Man and the family.  Got there at about 1.30pm and had a lovely afternoon with them all.  DH also made it after the event to see them and we left to come home about 6.30pm.  We had dinner and got some things cleared up and as we had been up early went to bed early and DH decided to have a bath!  Unusual in our home as he and the Boys tend to shower every day. 

I got into bed and was watching TV and promptly fell asleep.  I had my phone next to me on our bed by accident as I usually put it on my night stand and you can imagine my surprise when it rang at midnight!   It was Eldest.  He had been changing Little Man and found that one side near his groin was hard.  When Eldest was nine months old he had a hernia down there which was repaired by a little opearation during one day.  He has always known about this as I have told him and so was aware of the signs and asked me if I thought it was this and I said probably as it is very common in little boys.  Anyway they wanted to take him to Children’s A&E just to be safe, so DH and I went over to look after the Girls, who were fast asleep, whilst they all went to the hospital.  They got there at 12.45am and then had to wait of course.  DH managed to nod off on the sofa and I was watching TV quietly.

Anyway they saw the Doctor who said that It could be a hernia and it can run in families but as he is nine weeks old it may repair itself, ie as he grows, without an op like Eldest had.  They are just to keep an eye on things and have certain things to look out for.  Now every time we had to take the Boys to A&E (it was not many) as soon as they got in there and saw the toys they perked right up and were laughing and playing.  Well Little Man did the same, as soon as he arrived he woke up and was busy looking around at everything and smiling!  So obviously that runs in the family too!!! 

The Stand at The NEC, they are there all week.

They got back at 4.00am and we had drinks and then we got home at 4.30am when the birds were starting to sing!  We went back to bed until 10.00am and then DH left for the NEC to set up the exhibition for this week!  So all the jobs I had planned for yesterday went out of the window and now it is the start of the week.  Needless to say I am feeling very tired today!  I have been working all day and have some jobs to do tonight whilst DH is out at a swimming meeting!

Coco managed to find her ball which had been outside all winter!

DH did get the lawn mown yesterday as it has finally dried out.  Coco was in her element racing around whilst DH was mowing.  We also got some rubbish thrown away and tidied up the shed and we are hoping that this coming weekend is going to be nice to carry on getting things tidy.  I will get some pictures.  This morning we have had all range of weather; rain, sleet, sunshine and high winds!!!  I really don’t like April!!! 

Eldest and the Fire Crew got called out to try and get a bird out of a home’s chimney.  They could hear it in there and fortunately it was not lit.  By the time they got there the bird had fallen down the length of the chimney and appeared in their room!  Here he is looking very mucky, he is actually a Barn Owl which are normally brown and white!

I hope you lovely lot had a wonderful weekend and a great week to come. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “What Day Is It?

  1. farmquilter

    Oh, those nights that our sleep is thrown off really messes with the next day(s)!! I did that Saturday night as well…got to sleep about four, slept for four hours only to wake up for a bit and then a longer nap!! Blew Sunday right off the calendar!! I hope Tobey doesn’t need surgery, but at least his parents know what to look for and are paying attention!! So nice when they call mom for advice!! I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly for you and you find time to sew/read!! Maybe YOU need a long bath with your book!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    I hope that Tobey can avoid surgery. Paws and fingers are crossed. We cut our grass for the very first time yesterday too, Coco! We had a Chimney Swift fall down the chimney before but never an owl!

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