Susie’s Friday Monthly Book Club.

Here we are at December and the last book for this year.  I will be continuing in the New Year with twelve more books.

This is a follow up book to Jenny Colgan’s “The Christmas Bookshop” which I read and reviewed in May 2022 here

Carmen who helped save the Christmas Bookshop in the previous book is finding life hard!  Her sister who she has been staying with is trying to get her to find her own place, her Boyfriend is lacking in several ways and a film company is using the shop to film a Christmas movie at the height of summer and although they are being paid to use the shop, they are losing trade! 

Carmen is also worried about the owner of the Bookshop who wants to go on a long trip and she doesn’t know if they have enough funds to send him.  Can she pull it all together in time for her second Christmas at the shop? 

I loved the first book, surprisingly, as sometimes these types of books can make me a little frustrated but Jenny Colgan is a great writer and avoids the schmaltz that some other writers get when writing this type of novel.  I am half way through it so looking forward to see if Carmen comes good by the end of the book.


I hope you have enjoyed the twelve books this year and I will continue in to 2024 with another set of books.  Again I hope to read more next year!  As always time is an issue but I intend in the New Year to make some changes and one of these will be to carve out time during the week to read. 

Thanks for reading with my Book Club in 2023. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

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