The Lull.

As with most things these days, the time between Christmas and New Year is being over analysed in our papers and social media.  It also seems to have been named “twixmas” as in between Christmas and New Year!    Why does everything have to have a dreadful name?

When I was little my Parents and Grandparents used to spend these days together, the men walking the dogs and doing some work in the gardens if the weather was kind and my Mom and Grandma baking, cooking or doing some home jobs.  We are much the same. DH and Eldest working at the garage doing odd jobs, Youngest is busy fitting Christmas presents to his truck and Land Rover and well I am not doing a lot, see further down!!!!! 

We had a wonderful few days.  The above pictures are Christmas Eve.  Eldest and Girlfriend came for the day on Christmas Day with Youngest, DH & I.  The weather was horribly grey and raining so I decided not to open the curtains all day!!!

Our Dining Room ready for Christmas Dinner.

We ate at 2.00pm as Eldest was back on the run at the Fire Station in the evening, although they did not get called out at all.  We watched the new Mission Impossible film in the evening which was great.

The rest of the decorations in our dining room.

We got to do it all again on Boxing Day which is always more relaxed.  I always do a buffet and everyone eats when they want.  We then played Monopoly in the evening and DH, Girlfriend and I were out after a while and it was between the two Boys and Eldest won in the end with Youngest not too far behind!

Eldest and the red shoes are Girlfriend under one of my Christmas presents!  She is getting very tired now at twenty eight weeks pregnant!!! 

Eldest and Girlfriend brought Honey with them of course both days and she and Coco spent the days playing and racing around.  Both of them were so tired at the end of the two days.

The Christmas Cake and Chocolate Log done and ready for Christmas Day!

DH and Eldest building Lego!!!!!!

On Saturday I thought I had a spot on my left ear but over the course of Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day it swelled and then the left side of my face swelled and I had three patches on my face which stopped in the middle of my chin.  It was quite painful too.  Anyway a trip to the Doctors yesterday for him to tell me I have shingles!  I now have a weeks course of antivirals and antibiotics to hopefully get rid of it and if not, a return appointment for a weeks time!  Only me! 

Coco also had a visit to the vets on the Saturday before Christmas as she had managed to get cystitus!  She is also on tablets but is a lot better.  She has a follow up appointment this Saturday!

DH has been at Eldest’s garage yesterday and today helping with some jobs whilst he is closed.  Hopefully tomorrow the weather is going to be a bit better and we can get some jobs done at home too!  We have had a lot of rain over the holidays and there is some flooding again.

I hope you lovely lot have had a wonderful Christmas. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Coco in her basket by my desk as I write this!!!  Still recovering from her busy Christmas.

2 thoughts on “The Lull.

  1. farmquilter

    I am so very sorry you got shingles…such an awful affliction! Your Christmas looks lovely with the family there. Oh, you are not like the royal family, you can play Monopoly without arguments!! Coco and Honey wiped themselves out with two days of playing…so cute. I hope both you and Coco are better by Saturday!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    We had the same kind of weather for Christmas and it’s been like this all week long! So very un-December-like. Your Christmas cake and log look delicious and the dogs looked so pooped. LOL I had a very mild case of shingles once and it wasn’t too bad. I’m so sorry you have them and at the holidays – yuk.
    We got your adorable Christmas card in the mail today, Susie. We wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful 2024.

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