The Wednesday Wag.

It is a wonderful Autumn day today, the sun is shining and it is nice and warm and I have spent the whole day outside!  Mom says this time of year is difficult for her as she cannot see me very well when I am at the top of the garden as I blend in with the Autumn colours!

I think I had better look round and make sure there are no intruders in the garden.  I almost caught one of those pesky squirrels the other day!

What was that?  Squirrel?

Mom says I will have to come in when it starts to drop cool but she will have to catch me first!!!  Have a lovely Autumn Woofy Wednedsay. 

Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. farmquilter

    Smart girl, Treacle!! Enjoy your time outside now…it will be soggy soon enough and you will not like the necessity of drying you off every time you come back in! I hope the sun shines on you and keeps you warm in the garden!

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