Home Maintenance.

Work on your home never stops!!!  We did a lot to ours when we moved in so of course things are now breaking or need replacing as it has been twenty years!!   The basin in our main bathroom has developed a crack which is starting to creep so we are getting a new one, which of course means new taps.  We are also going to replace the taps on the bath too because you can guarantee if we don’t it will fail immediately after the plumber has been!

Another job is we have some blown units in our double glazed windows so we are getting those replaced before Winter.  The problem at the moment is that everyone is so very busy, which is great for them after the last eighteen months but things are taking a long time to sort out.  The windows have been ordered and we are just waiting for them to set a date to come and replace them.

We are now waiting for the plasterer to come and quote to replaster the ceiling where the rain got in and still waiting for the roofers to come and seal the tiles and clean the gutters out before Winter!  Of course you do know what will happen don’t you?  They will all turn up in the same week!  Yep especially as it is me, these sorts of things always happen to me!!!!

One of the windows which needs replacing is in our dressing room, which means I am going to have to empty it for them to do the job!  Of course that means I can have a clear out at the same time so it is not all bad news!

Today has been busy with work and I had an appointment this afternoon, I don’t know where the days and weeks are flying to!  I hope you are all having a good Tuesday. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

Treacle’s view on the day!

2 thoughts on “Home Maintenance.

  1. farmquilter

    You have been busy!! Speaking of things lasting, I took a drive today to see if the cabin my dad built in 1952/1953 was still standing after a huge forest fire ripped through the area (the entire area was evacuated). My parents sold the cabin back in the mid 1980’s, but in my head/heart, it is still our cabin! One cabin not far from “our” cabin got a bit of a scorch, but none of the cabins burned. When I got to “our” cabin, the people who had purchased it from my parents were there and I got to see the interior!! Oh my, what memories!! The original bathroom was there! In the kitchen, the original counter/bench, sink and stove were still looking and working great! There was even one chair that used to be in the living room, with the same cushions and finish on the wood – not even recovered!!! Things were made to last “back in the day”!!

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