
I really think we should have three days of work and five days of weekend!!!  The weekend flew by too fast!!!!


Probably because we were so busy!!!  Friday we had dinner with Eldest and Fiancé which was lovely, although I had been rushing around all day beforehand.  Saturday was the same with getting things done and then our friends came for dinner in the evening although it was cut a little short as our friend was not well, nothing dangerous but they had to go home earlier than planned.

Sunday was busy with some gardening and getting other jobs done at home. 

Treacle is still feeling sorry for herself so I put off her Airecut today until next week to give her chance to recover. 

This week we will be busy with work as we only have the next two weeks to get things sorted before we are off on vacation.  Eldest is staying home to look after Treacle for us.  I also have to get lots done before hopefully the pools will be opening for our swimmers!!!!

Our weather is being typically British, lots of rain with some sunshine in between although Friday is supposed to be very sunny and warm!!!! 

I am writing lots of lists at the moment just so I can keep up with everything, thank goodness for lists, I don’t know what I would do without them.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and will have a great week whatever you are all up to.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Monday!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    How exciting that your vacation is so close! We think that the entire weeks just fly by – not just the weekends. We hope you are feeling better after a day of rest, Treacle♥

  2. farmquilter

    I hope you get to go to Scotland and enjoy yourselves!!! You isolate yourself when you are in Scotland, so you should be good. Just make sure you take all your food so you don’t have to shop while you are there…they might frown on that!! Since I basically go no where, I have no idea if they would be unhappy that people from out of their area are willing to spend money there!! Hoping Treacle is back to herself soon!!

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