

Finally made it to Friday, it has seemed a very long week, this week!  We had a swimming meeting last night to discuss with the Leisure Centres how we are going to work once we can go back!! We then had to go and see one of the committee members about something else and we did not leave their home until 11.00pm, and we had not had dinner!  It was a very long day!!!

Today started off  I had all my jobs planned and what I needed to get done before Eldest and Fiancé are here for dinner tonight and then Treacle decides she needs a visit to her Doctors!!!  We think she has eaten something she shouldn’t have so she and I were off to the Vets first thing!!!!  He agreed with us so she has had an injection and some tablets and is now on invalid food!!!!!

We got back and I had some business work to do, then some swimming work to do and then after lunch did my home jobs, but did not get my basket of ironing done, hey ho!!!!

One thing I have noticed being out and about on the roads again is that other people’s driving has got worse since Lockdown, it can really be like Wacky Races out there!!!!! 

Youngest and Girlfriend are away for a long weekend from today and tomorrow our good friends from the village are coming for dinner, now that two unrelated households can meet in doors. It does all get rather confusing as to who can do what and when!!!!  You would have thought, of course, as it is summer that we would be able to eat outside, no chance it is due to rain all day tomorrow!!! However Sunday is supposed to be okay!  Ah the Great British Weather!!!!

Anyway whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you have a nice time and see you all on Monday.

Hugs & Love Susie xx

Nottingham Beach from last year, sadly not on this year of course!

2 thoughts on “Friday!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Oh no. I hope you’re feeling better today, Treacle! We agree with the driving skills of a lot of people on the roads these days. You really have to be paying attention! Bummer about all of the rain. It does get dreary with too much of a good thing. We hope you see the sunshine for many days in a row soon!

  2. farmquilter

    I hope your weekend is lovely, if not with the weather on Saturday, I hope seeing your friends will make the day special!! We have been having a regular sunny, hot days with the occasional thunder storm (with dry lightning to start fires). I hope you can find the odd moment to finish your ironing and maybe do a bit of sewing!

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