Quilting Talk.


Evalyn’s quilt is done!  DH is helping with the photographs although he is poorly sick still.  I love the way it has turned out and I hope she will like it.  I finished sewing the binding on at 3.00am yesterday morning, mainly because DH kept coughing so I knew I wouldn’t get much sleep but I was watching the tennis as well.

A close up of the bunting and quilting.

This is the back

A close up of the pink gingham.

I also finished Treacle’s bag, which she can take with her when she goes on holiday.

Treacle with bag, I think she likes it!!!

Yesterday I also managed to get the rest of the unpicking done on my Autumn wall hanging so that will be my next UFO to be done and ready for next Autumn.

I had a great weekend quilting and of course looking after DH, who is not the most patient of patients!  Even Treacle is a bit confused as he is not up and about as normal and in fact she spent the night in Eldest’s room as DH kept coughing and keeping her awake!!!!  I, of course, had to put up with it.  Good job the tennis coverage begins at midnight so at least I had something to watch most of the night.  Of course now at 5.00pm I am starting to flag a bit!!!!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “Quilting Talk.

  1. farmquilter

    Great bunting quilt!!! Evalyn will love it!!! Treacle’s bag is just too cute – she will never forget anything necessary when going on an overnight trip! I’m so sorry DH is so sick…I am still hacking and I came down with it on the 1st! Sleeping in a recliner really helps because lying flat makes the coughing worse. Hope he is better soon!!

  2. Judy

    Evalyn’s quilt is so cute and so is Treacle’s bag. Sorry to hear that your DH is sick and I did read that you are sick also now so hope that you are feeling better.

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