Snowing Sunday.


We never need an excuse to quilt but if we do wish to have an excuse then I think snowing is a good one!  This is what we woke up to this morning and it just got thicker as the morning went on.

Our vehicles getting nicely covered and our hill.

As you can see the sky is full of snow.

Treacle out in it.

And the look on her face when I made her come in.  Do you like the floating head picture?

I did quite a bit of quilting yesterday and I will show you the pictures tomorrow and I got the binding finished on Evalyn’s quilt.  It is currently being washed so I will show you the pictures again tomorrow. 

DH has come down with the heavy cold that seems to be going round but at least it is not the Australian flu which is worse.  He is back in bed and being dosed with painkillers and plenty of fluid.  We have to try and get him better by Tuesday as he is in London for the rest of the week at a business exhibition and he has to go.  Hopefully with a day of rest today and staying home tomorrow we will break the back of it.  Of course that only leaves me who has not been ill so far (I am crossing my fingers whilst typing this) and hopefully I won’t catch it.

It is due to rain later in the afternoon and overnight so the snow will be all gone again by tomorrow but Treacle has made the most of it whilst it was here.

Happy Sunday everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Snowing Sunday.

  1. farmquilter

    Poor DH! All the sick going around this winter is horrible!!! I really hope you don’t get it. I’m looking forward to seeing Evalyn’s new quilt. Enjoy the snow, Treacle, because the muddy paws that need washing every time you come in the house is on the way!!

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