Thursday’s Things!

Image result for Sam Sunderland

It is funny how some sports get all the attention and news and others seem to just disappear into the news.  This picture is of Sam Sunderland who is British and has just won the Dakar on two wheels.  Nothing unusual about that except he is the first Brit to win any of the classes in the Dakar!  So many congratulations to Sam!Huge disappoint that Novak Djokovic has been knocked out of the Australian Open.  As you may know I am not a fan of Andy Murray and he is now being tipped to win after Novak’s defeat!  However there are still some of the best players in the draw which may stop him winning!  Sorry if you are Murray fans!!!!!!

Treacle has been forgiven by her Daddy for pinching his biscuit!!!!!

I have house jobs to do today having managed to get my work done this morning.  It is so nice to be in a routine again.  I did get a bit more of Eldest’s quilt done and am hoping to get it finished at the weekend and then just need to add the binding.

Throwback Thursday!

For Throwback Thursday I found some amazing pictures when I was sorting out pictures on the computer.

Eldest and Youngest in their first tree house, without a tree!  They loved it.

I just love this picture of them.

This is Eldest and Youngest with Eldest’s best friend James and his sister Emily.  Their Mom, Jayne, is one of my best friends.  We used to spend time together when it was the children’s holidays from school.  Eldest and James were in the same year and Youngest and Emily are the same age but in different school years.  James is now 21 and Emily is 17!  I love this picture and brings back some very happy memories.

I hope you are having a Happy Thursday.

Hugs, Susie x

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