The Wednesday Wag!

dsc04539I am in big trouble today on Wednesday Wag.  Well it actually happened a few days ago but I am in my Dad’s bad bucks as I pinched one of his biscuits which he was going to have with his tea.  I know I was naughty, especially as Dad had already given me one of his biscuits anyway, so I really am in the dog house!!!!!!

The blooming squirrel has been in the garden today but he is not able to get the bird seed now as Dad has got the new squirrel proof feeders.

I have been getting my paws muddy every day this week as the weather has been rainy every day and I have to be dried when I come in from the garden as I go under all the bushes chasing that squirrel.  Mom is still hoping for some snow but I don’t think it is going to happen, just rain!!!

Here is where I am at the moment.  It is lovely and warm in the office and Mom is busy working so all is good with the World

Woof, Treacle

1 thought on “The Wednesday Wag!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly and Mackie

    Just look at that precious face. Who can stay mad? We bet your dad has already forgiven you, Treacle! Our snow is all gone and we have mud too. boooooooooooooooooo

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