Decision Made!

DSC04390Having sorted out a sort of quilting plan my first few jobs of this year is going to get Eldest and Youngest’s quilts quilted!  I asked a while ago in a post about spray basting and I thank everyone who contacted me and let me know their opinions.  However I have decided to spray baste them because to pin them would involve a lot of work and I am honestly sick of getting stuck in the tummy when I am quilting them!!!!!!!  Also they are large, so I thought it was worth a go!!!!  I still also have two super secret quilts to finish too but they are smaller and I can pin those! 

It has been raining and grey again today, so Treacle and I have been in the Den all day with the lights and heat on.  I had to go to the Dentist this morning about a tooth which was twinging and he couldn’t find anything wrong but he thinks I might be grinding my teeth at night!!!!  He told me I need to stop!  Hmm I wonder how he expects me to stop doing something I don’t know I am doing?

I have a basket of ironing to do this evening but tomorrow I am hoping to get some quilting sorted.

Youngest has done his second day of his mock exams and he seems okay so far, I think I am more stressed than he is but I am trying to not let him know I am stressed!!!!!!  I think this may be one of the reasons why I am grinding my teeth at night!

I have been catching up on the Blogs I read and it has been lovely seeing how everyone spent their Christmases and what they are aiming to do in the New Year.  One Blog said that they see the New Year as a new Journal with 365 pages in it, which is a great analogy.  I am still writing down each day three things which have made me happy, but some days I have to look really hard for them! 

This made me happy though, DH took me to see the new Snoopy & Peanuts movie over the Holidays and it was great!  Well worth a visit.  Can’t wait now for the next kids film, The Secret Life of Pets, which is not out here until the summer. 

I hope you Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x

3 thoughts on “Decision Made!

  1. farmquilter

    Again here, it is snowing! Big, fat, fluffy flakes that are falling faster than I can shovel them, so I’m waiting for them to stop before going back out to shovel again. Perhaps you need a night guard to wear on your top teeth to prevent you from damaging your teeth? I had one that I wore for years that my dentist made me – I had 2 TMJ surgeries from grinding my teeth at night! Why are you worrying about youngest and the tests, my dear? Can that have any impact on how he does??? Isn’t it crazy the things we stress over that we have absolutely zero control over – wastes our time, energy and makes us feel lousy!!! When you think about the tests, instead of stressing, pray for him and deliberately give him over to God’s hands – amazing how well that has help me from stressing/worrying over everything all the time! ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) I’ve been replaced by a Peanuts character *gasp* LOL!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    Our mom has never heard of spray basting. It sounds like a wonderful invention! We bet you’re at the top of her 3 happy things list every single day, Treacle☺

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