Four Days Already Gone!

DSC05111Santa’s been!

Well there’s Christmas all done for another year!  You spend so many hours planning and getting everything ready and it is all done so quickly!  Anyway we had a lovely few days and the rest of the holidays was quite quiet as Youngest was having to revise for his mock exams which began today! Here are some more pictures of our Christmas (picture heavy post!)

Treacle was in a festive mood.

Our sitting room ready for Santa’s visit.

Our dining table set ready for Christmas Dinner.

Youngest and Treacle on Christmas morning.Evalyn, Mom and Dad arrived just after midday and there were more presents to open.  This is the doll and cradle which I made the small quilt for.

Evalyn and her Uncle playing with a big box of Duplo they bought for her.

Before the wrapping paper got everywhere. We pushed the sofas back so there was more room for everyone.

Christmas morning and Treacle waiting to open her gifts.

Come on Mom time to open those gifts.

Finally my presents!

We stayed in at New Year (if I am truly honest I hate New Year) and watched Big Ben strike Midnight on the TV which was fine.  Last weekend we took the decorations down and I cleaned (another job I hate as the house looks so plain when you take the decorations down) so we were all ready for work/school this morning 🙁

Normally I don’t do resolutions but last year I decided to make a plan of doing some quilting every week.  Which was okay until the better weather and lighter nights arrived and quilting seemed to take a back seat again.  However this year I am not doing two big jobs with the swimming club and our Carnival in the village so I am hoping that I will be able to do some quilting each week.  So my plan is to try and do better this year!!!!! 

January has not started well in other aspects and I feel a bit down at the moment but am fighting against it.  So I am going to use my quilting as a distraction. 

This coming weekend is going to be busy as ever as we have our big Open at the swimming club where we have clubs from all over the country coming to swim and we had to move it from Saturday to Sunday, which I don’t like as at least when it is Saturday you have Sunday to recover but not this year!  Oh well!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Hugs, Susie x

We didn’t get any of this over the holidays, unfortunately it just rained and rained and it was quite mild.  Several areas of the UK suffered lots of flooding over several days and I feel so sorry for everyone affected by it.

4 thoughts on “Four Days Already Gone!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    It looks like you all had a great Christmas☺ Our mom has most of the ornies off the tree but she can’t bring herself to take the tree down yet. The light are so cheerful when it’s dark and cold outside. We aren’t fond of going anywhere on New Year’s either. Our mom and dad are happiest at home on that night.

  2. farmquilter

    What a lovely Christmas you had!!! It has been 5 years since I have decorated for Christmas and I do miss putting it up, but not the taking down!!! I did put up the little table-top tree I got my mother her last Christmas and had it plugged in on the mantle during Christmas. At least it was more than just my dad and me for Christmas with middle daughter, her hubby and a couple she became friends with at her last posting joining us for dinner. I much prefer to stay in on New Year’s Eve…safer that way and I not a party animal any more 🙂 We have had cold and snow, with more expected tomorrow!!

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