Lights Out In Remembrance


Last night between 10.00pm and 11.00pm we were encouraged to put out all the lights and light a candle in Remembrance of all those who fell in The Great War.  This was following a candle lit service from Westminster Abbey where there were readings and prayers.  It was inspired by the quote by the then Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, on the eve of Britain’s entry into the first ever global conflict: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”

Here is our candle we lit in Remembrance.  Sad to say we were the only ones on our Hill who did! 

It has been a busy few days with work and DH and I are seriously missing the Boys, even if the evenings are like BC (Before Children!).  On Sunday we had a visit from Felicity, Lee and Evalyn but didn’t get any pictures, which was a bit silly of us.  DH is busy at work and has been leaving the house at 6.00am every day so Treacle and I have had the place to ourselves.  She is still wandering into the Boys rooms and looking for them but soon comes down to her basket by my desk as if to say “you will have to do”!

One thing I have noticed since the Boys have been away is how tidy and clean the house has stayed!!!!!!!!!!!!  And a lot less washing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I still miss them!!!!!

I am going to have a sneaky sewing day tomorrow (shush don’t tell anyone!!!!!) and try and get a few projects finished.  This Sunday I will be going to the biggest quilt show in Europe, The Festival of Quilts, at the NEC in Birmingham and can’t wait.  Hopefully I will get lots of pictures.  There are also lots and lots of stalls with fabric and notions and all sorts on, Yeah!!!!!!!!

We have also had one of those days with events happening at the Swimming Club.  You take these voluntary jobs on, because you want to help the club and the swimmers, and then something happens and it almost overtakes the day job to sort out.  Well it is that sort of situation at the moment and I am feeling utterly defeated tonight!  So much so that I feel slightly sick and extremely tired!  There doesn’t at present appear to be a solution to the situation either, so this will rumble on for many weeks I suspect!

Tomorrow I am also going to visit all the entries on the Pets on Quilts.  Treacle and I have had some lovely comments which I will also be responding to tomorrow and want to do the same for everyone who has entered.  

I do hope your Tuesday is better than mine has been.  Treacle and I are going to bed soon to snuggle, that always makes me feel better.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Lights Out In Remembrance

  1. farmquilter

    I went to the Birmingham Quilt Show last year – what a total treat!!! So many quilts and vendors!!! If I had done all the shopping I wanted to do, I would have had to buy another suitcase to get home with!!! Have a blast and maybe you will see Bonnie Hunter there!!!

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