Pets On Quilts Show 2014!


Treacle’s Entry for 1. Dog or Puppy on a Quilt

Here is Treacle on the Picnic Quilt I have just finished.  The Weather has been warm but cloudy today but I managed to get some pictures of her on the quilt.  I have yet to actually quilt and bind it but time has got away from me.  I am hoping to do it this week!!!

Treacle always loves it when quilts are on the floor and always comes and inspects them and comfort tests them by lying on them!

Of course it doesn’t stop her having a chew at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our entry for the 1.  Dog or puppy on Quilt Entry on the wonderful Pets on Quilts Show which is going off at Lily Pad Quilting (  Hop over and have a look at all the wonderful entries and the lovely Sponsors who have given prizes for the winners of the most votes. 

If you would like to, please vote for Treacle as she loves winning things.  Good luck to all the entrants and Many Thanks to Snoodles & Padsworth for organising such fun.

Hugs & Woof

Susie & Treacle


20 thoughts on “Pets On Quilts Show 2014!

  1. Ruth – Ireland – Love photos and all things photoshop. I also blog at Charly & Ben's Crafty Corner and love designing and playing with patchwork & quilting.

    Wilbur chews on mine as well! Treacle looks gorgeous and cuddly!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    That’s pretty special to be able to rest on that beautiful quilt, Treacle. We’re on our way over to vote for you!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Judy

    Treacle is adorable on that quilt!! She pretty much stole the show. . . the quilt is fab, but Treacle, well, there was no contest 😉

  4. Sandra

    Love your Treacle, and I adore her name! Honestly, I think the British come up with the best coolest names. Why do our fur kids insist on tasting our quilts?! Pretty to look at quilt, but I guess Treacle thinks it’s potentially tasty too!

  5. Lara B.

    Aww Susie, Treacle is just too cute! I have a weak spot for brown terriers! (We have three!) Love the colors in your pretty quilt too – it makes me yearn for Autumn.

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