We’re Back!


Well we have been back for a week already but last week flew by catching up on work jobs!!!!  We had a fantastic two weeks in Scotland and we could not have asked for better weather.  We even sat outside over the Easter weekend it was so warm.  The above picture is a view from the cottage and the sky was that blue!

We didn’t do a lot whilst we were away but it was great to just not have to do things to a deadline.  The children got some revision done, we went out for a few visits to places and I got some quilting done!

In the field in front of the cottage the sheep were beginning to have their lambs and we spotted these two early one morning.

We took Girlfriend to Baxter’s Visitors Centre at Speyside where they make the wonderful jams, preserves and soups.  They also have a shop set up to look how it was when they first opened and here they are standing in it!

Eldest, Youngest, Me and DH.  You can see why I say it is like walking around trees in my house, especially when they are all in the kitchen!!!!

We then went further along the coast to look for the dolphins but they were not around.  As you can see the beach is very stony!!!

There are always two who have to go right down to the water’s edge!  Don’t get your feet wet!

Easter morning after the Easter Egg Hunt!!!

I set my sewing up in the dining room which had the above view, although it was misty the morning I took this!  It was great to just leave my sewing there and not have to clear it up, like I do at home!  I got so much done I even amazed myself.  Most mornings I got up early and spent a few hours sewing before the rest of them appeared and it was great.  I really didn’t want to come home!!!!

When we got back I managed to catch up on the work which had piled up during the two weeks and by Thursday of last week I was back on track.   DH had gone to a meeting in the evening and the Boys had gone swimming with Eldest taking Youngest for me.  It was 9.00pm and I had just got out the shower when my mobile rang to say Youngest had had an accident in the pool and they had called the ambulance!!!

After about eight calls to DH I managed to get hold of him and we raced off to the swimming pool to find Youngest on the poolside.  He had been swimming and coming in for a turn, and at his age and size they are swimming fast, when another swimmer had pushed off after their turn and kicked Youngest in the head!  His head snapped back and he experienced dizziness/sickness and pain in the shoulders and head.

We got to the hospital at 9.45pm and then spent the next four and half hours in observation and tests.  Fortunately he was fine and was released at 2.30am.  All four of us got straight into bed when we got home very tired but DH and I were relieved he was fine.  He has had a couple of headaches over the weekend and a bit of dizziness but the hospital said this would probably be the case.  He wasn’t in school today but is going back tomorrow. 

Friday was a busy day trying to sort out some issues with Eldest which I think I got sorted but it took me the whole day!  By the end of it I was shattered and in need of a “drink”, which I did.  The weekend was busy too as I hadn’t got my Spring cleaning done before we went away, so the top floor has been done and completed yeah!!!! I just now need to get the main rooms done, our den and the kitchen which is the worst room I always think.  We also need to get into the garden and do some tidying there, although we managed to get quite a bit of that done before we went away.

I am determined not to pick my quilting up until these jobs are done otherwise I won’t want to do them!!!!!  My motto is always get the worst jobs done first then get the nice jobs done!

Anyway I hope you all had a lovely Easter and be sure to pop back tomorrow for Wednesday Wag as Treacle has something exciting to show you.

Hugs, Susie x

1 thought on “We’re Back!

  1. RedSetter

    Bit of an eventful holiday! Still wondering how you managed to do any sewing with that view. Hope you had one of those huge pancakes at Mrs Baxter’s as it has reminded me how long it is since I was up there.

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