Wednesday Wag & Mom Too!

DSC03729My leg is getting better but it is slow and I am fine walking around but then when I have been asleep, I am limping again!  Mom says I need a holiday like the rest of them!!!!

Mom has been so busy over the last few days trying to get everything sorted before the vacation, which has been good as I have been asleep in my basket.  I am busy packing what I need for my holidays and Mom says my case is bigger than hers!


It is Treacle and yes you can take all your toys if you want to!  Yes it has been busy but shush don’t tell anyone, I am up to date with work and house jobs too!!! I don’t think I have ever been this organised, which probably means that between now and Saturday it will all get in a mess!!! 

Whilst I was out running errands the other day I was listening to Radio 3, which is our classical radio station.  They were broadcasting from their pop-up studio at the South Bank Centre in London, where they were talking about the “singing lift”.  Follow this link to hear the lift “signing”.  Now if all lifts sang it would make the World a better place!!!  Here is the link :

This also caught by eye.  What happens when you make a set of stairs a piano?  More people use the stairs as its fun!!!  Now if we could get these added to every set of steps…   Here is the link :

Tonight Youngest is helping on poolside with the younger swimmers and tomorrow is house job day for me and get any final pieces of work finished and then Friday will be packing.  DH has been at a business exhibition all week in Birmingham, which means he has been leaving early in the morning and not getting back until after 6.00pm and the last day of the exhibition is Friday!  You can see where things are going to get complicated.  Youngest finishes school on Thursday as there is a Teacher Training Day Friday, so that will help.

He made this at Scouts on Monday evening for Easter and it’s really cute.  He has asked for eggs for breakfast next week while we are away.

Come on Mom, its dinner time now, you need to get off the computer and sort dinner out!

Okay Treacle will do!!!!  We hope you have had a Wonderful Woofy Wednesday.

Treacle & Susie x

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Wag & Mom Too!

  1. farmquilter

    Poor Treacle! Getting “older” stinks when you get stiff from one of the greatest pleasures in life – sleeping!!! I certainly hope your leg stops this nonsense soon! Susie, the links to the elevator and stairs are brilliant!!! Those stairs look like fun to play on 🙂 Have a fantastic holiday!!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    You certainly don’t want to forget anything, Treacle – especially a treasured toy! We loved the videos!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

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