Busy Weekend!


IT has been raining all weekend and Youngest was camping on Saturday night.  However when we got there on Saturday morning it was decided that the ground was just too wet to pitch the tents.  They went out on a hike during Saturday and everything was muddy!!!!!  

Eldest was out for the weekend with Girlfriend so DH and I were on our own which is really strange!  So Saturday night we went to the movies!!!!  We went to see the new Jack Ryan film with Chris Pine and it was good!


We collected Youngest on Sunday morning and one of his friends to get them back home for lunch and showers before we headed off to Chesterfield for the presentation of the Chief Scout’s Gold Awards for the County.  There were over 157 Scouts there for the Awards along with parents/grandparents/aunts etc!!!

The District Commissioner for Scouts speaking, the ACC sitting to the left with Sir Richard Fitzherbert Bt. sitting to the right who is the County President, who signed and presented the Awards

Youngest with Sir Richard

The Scouts from our troop who received their awards

Youngest with his certificate – we are very proud of him

After the ceremony we had to hightail it back for swimming, where Youngest is now doing his Poolside Helpers Course, as well as swimming!!!  

This week is looking busy as well with two personal errands I have to run tomorrow for me (not nice errands either!!!!) and work to finish and generally busy with Boys and home!!!!!!!

I will get my new cushions finished!!!!!!! 

Susie x

Madam!!!!  Elegant pose.  She missed her brush at the weekend so is not looking as well put together as normal!!!!!

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