

Keeping up with my New Year Resolution to do some quilting every week, here is this weeks!  These two cushions sit on a storage box in our entry way and I wanted to make new covers for them.  

I had these fabrics for a while and thought they would look great on the cushions.  I haven’t finished them yet but its getting late and as I make mistakes when I am tired, I am learning to stop, before having to get out my seam ripper out!!!!!

Today was a house jobs day and the weather has been worse than yesterday, very cold and it has been snowing, although it hasn’t settled!  Treacle was most disappointed!  We are due to get some more snow tomorrow, which is typical as Youngest is camping on Saturday night!!!!

Have a thrilling rest of Thursday.

Susie x

2 thoughts on “Quilting!

  1. farmquilter

    Snow camping!!! Done that in the Sierra Nevada mountains out here in the western United States…in a tent!! Thankfully there was a hot springs swimming pool about a mile away 🙂 only way to get your whole body toasty as the fire only heats one side at a time! He’s young and he’ll have fun no matter what, or at least a good story to tell! Poor Treacle…I get how he feels. My little Chihuahua doesn’t like our snow so I have to shovel off a piece of the grass for her to potty on! Stay warm!!

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