Doggie Days !

After a very busy weekend where we were all going in different directions, needless to say I didn’t get to the quilt show 🙁  However the weather was fantastic, especially for the start of Carnival in the Village last Sunday.

Last night was the Fun Dog Show, organised by Fiona and myself and even though it can be a little trying at times to organise, it is great fun on the night.  We had sixteen entries, the youngest dog being Flo who is 13 1/2 weeks old and and the oldest dog being Oscar who is 7!

Every dog who enters gets a Bonio biscuit for entering and then there are prizes for First, Second and Third.  Because there were sixteen of them, every dog won something which was great.  Our Judge, Sandra, who used to judge dogs at Crufts, did a splendid job and got the children walking the dogs round, just like you see them at Crufts.


The dogs waiting to see the Judge

You need to walk forward!  Which direction?

Let’s have a look at you!

Best Trick category, you are supposed to go through the legs, Charlie went round!

You’re supposed to be sitting and paying attention Treacle!


Waiting to be called

Flo decided her little legs were tired!

What is this woman doing to my ears!

Best Trick – it never works on the day!

The largest category of the whole evening Senior Dog – there was only Oscar!

The Winner of Best in Show –  Pepper who is 1 Year Old

Tina is her human and Tina’s Niece, Amber, showed her.

Congratulations to Pepper and all the dogs and their families who came down to the show

This is what Pepper Won

Pepper also gets a Best In Show ribbon and keeps the cup for the year.

We had a great evening, the weather was perfect, warm with a slight breeze, so everyone was comfortable, especially the dogs.  We couldn’t have run it without the help of Chris and Lisa, Pat, Fiona, Simon, Bill and My lot DH, Eldest, Girlfriend and Youngest and of course, Treacle.  She has made me promise not to tell you how she did so she can tell you tomorrow on the Wednesday Wag!

Tonight is the walking Treasure Hunt around the village, although it is due to rain this evening!!!!! By the end we may look like drowned rats.

Hope you have a thrilling Tuesday.

Susie x

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