Pets On Quilts 2013

After my mini-meltdown yesterday!!!! DH got home and helped sort some of the things out, so today is a little calmer here at Susie’s World!!!  Plus we are picking Eldest up from the airport later this evening too.

Anyway just wanted to let you know about Pets On Quilts 2013 happening over at Lily Pad Quilting (  Treacle and I missed it last year, but are all ready for this years!

Last year Snoodles put together a fantastic show with 150 entries and lots and lots of sponsors.  Although we didn’t get to enter we did enjoy the show and voting for our favourite.

So don’t forget to enter, which you can do by  just pressing the button on my sidebar and it will take you straight to Lily Pad Quilting.  Snoodles will let you know when and how to enter during August. 

Treacle – it is in the diary so we don’t forget this year.

Hope you have a fantastic Friday and a quilty weekend.  I am off to a quilt show tomorrow and I am hoping to get some quilting done.  MUST GET ELDEST’S QUILT FINISHED!!!!!!

Susie x

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