Category Archives: The Boys

Our Two Boys – Eldest & Youngest and what they have been and are up to!

Treacle, Thursday & Friday!


Good Morning BlogWorld I know we have missed a few days but we have been so busy.  Here am I, above, on Mom’s knee yesterday as it was her Birthday!!!!!  We shared some Popcorn as Dad and Boys were all away and busy so it was just her and I!!!

Although it was Mom’s Birthday I got some treats when my food delivery arrived!  I am always envious of Molly as she gets lots of things to try and now my foody people are doing the same. So far I have tried the Training Treats and I really like them.  I don’t need the weight control of course, as my Doctor says I am in perfect condition but I am sure they will taste nice and the pouch is wet food which I have never had, so that will be different to try.

Mom has been washing up a storm now that her new washing machine has arrived including all the beds and I was with her when she was unmaking them, any excuse to snuggle in the bedding!

So after a very busy few days I am just busy relaxing now that Mom is working at her desk this morning!!!!!


Thank you Treacle you have a snooze now!  I went to the quilt shop that is closing at the end of this month and got a few things which were reduced and I thought I would show you what I got.

My purchases.

Thread was on offer and so were the needles.

Fat Quarters were on offer.

I always buy a new blade for my rotary cutter when I see them.

The material I got was £7 a metre which is half price to what it normally is.  I just love the dog footprint material.

I just love the colours in this otter material.

And I love this beach fabric.

I don’t know what I am going to make with it yet but it will go into my stash until a project comes up.

I have finished the blocks for Kathleen Tracy’s Block of the Month and in July we will get the instructions of how to put it together.  I have used scraps and bits to make the blocks so I hope they look good together when it is finished!!!!!


June 20th!

I had a lovely peaceful day yesterday and then went out in the evening to Piccolino in Nottingham for dinner with DH, Eldest and Fiance as Youngest is away for the week on his first training week at the Head Office so he will be home tonight and we are going out with him tonight as Eldest and Fiance couldn’t make tonight!!!!  That’s okay I get to go out twice!!!!!  Not doing my diet much good though!!!

Tonight we are going to The European in Derbyshire, which is another lovely little Italian Restaurant (above).

I have house jobs to do today and grocery shopping and then DH is out all day again tomorrow commentating, so I have errands to run tomorrow morning and then will get back and do some more quilting.  The weather here has been better yesterday and today with the sun shining after all the rain from last weekend and the beginning of the week but it is still cool and not as warm as it should be for Summer!

Today, of course, is the Longest Day and it was getting light at 3.30am (Yes I was awake to hear the birds start their dawn chorus!!!!) and it won’t get dark until about 9.45pm so a very long day!  Of course that means that the nights will, although slowly, start to draw in again, Noooooooooo!!!!!  We are hoping that the weather is going to be okay on Sunday so we can get into the garden as we have not been able to do anything over the last couple of weekends because of all the rain!!!! 

Whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you have a great time. 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

Sometimes you just need to see a picture of sun, blue sky and clear water!!!!!!


Technology is a wonderful thing sometimes and it can also be maddening!!  However one of my Apps shows me photographs from different years which is great as it shows you ones that you might have forgotten!!  Anyway yesterday it showed me some pictures of when we went to Orlando in 2008, which I cannot believe is eleven years ago now!!!  Eldest was twelve and Youngest was eight and we have the most fantastic holiday and The Boys still talk about it now.

All Three are car nuts, still are!!!!!

Epcot at USA World.

My Boys and I outside Cinderella’s Castle.  I had my arms around both of them but Eldest was proving that he was taller than me by standing up really tall!!!  It wasn’t much longer before they were both taller than I!!!!

We had dinner with the Characters and Pluto was a hit with us all!!!!

Main Street as it started to get dark and the lights came on.

One of my most favourite pictures of them with Baloo and King Louie. In fact “The Jungle Book” Disney film I went to see at the cinema with three friends for my Birthday in 1971.

We spent the day at Discovery Cove and although it is in the middle of the city you would not know, a little bit of paradise.  The Boys loved the sand and the swimming of course.

We went to NASA and had lunch with a real Astronaut.

We did all of the Disney World parks several times but The Boys always loved the cars!  DH has this picture on his dresser.

I have all the 2008 and 2010 pictures of our trips to Orlando in several places; printed, backed up on my computer, DH’s computer, my iPod and off site too.  I am also going to print them all out and put them in an album each like we used to do before digital!!!!

Been working this morning and now I am going to get on with our house jobs.  Treacle is busy helping by sleeping in her basket, very tidy!!!!  DH checked behind the Boys’ Den last night and it appears she has not been digging but we are not too sure what she has been doing up there.  DH had put a rather large stone to stop her which she had managed to move!!!!!  Anyway she wasn’t in trouble fortunately!!!!!!

It is also Voting day today here in the UK for our local Councils including the Village Parish Council, so DH and I will be going later on this evening when he gets back from work.

Whatever you are up to today I hope you have a Thrilling Thursday.

Hugs, Susie xx


Yes it is #Throw Back Thursday today and also so much news to comment on, tee hee!

If the US celebrities accused of paying to get their children into college had done some historical films, especially about Britain, they may have learnt from our past. The wealthy in the UK used to get their children into top Universities by donating a building here and there and having their name put on it!!!!  This way the University then felt obliged to take their children even if they were as thick as custard! Generally known as “tit for tat”

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day in the UK and there will be lots of programmes happening and collections everywhere. 

You will all know about Brexit after Treacle’s Wednesday Wag yesterday and our politicians have managed to vote out every possible deal but still want Brexit!  Hence the above picture (it reminds me of Harry Potter)!  I don’t like to get political here but the people of Britain voted to leave the EU (no matter what margin it was) and yet the politicians are now digging their heels in because they don’t like the deal.  Which says to me that they want to make a name for themselves and not for the good of the people they represent!  However even if we had an election the other parties are only the same if not worse than what is in at the moment so we would be no better off!  It is a shame that they did not get business men and women to negotiate the deal, I think it would have been a lot better and be all done by now! Grr.

House jobs day today, as well as some work, and tomorrow some errands to run.  The weather is supposed to be high winds and heavy rain all weekend, so it is a good job I am inside then!!!

Ten years ago!!!!  Eldest on the left and Youngest on the right they did love dressing up especially if it involved the odd tank!!!  They were 13 and 9 and we were away for Easter in London.

Have a Thrilling Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, yeah!!!

Hugs, Susie xx

Well Quilt Fail!

She doesn’t like it!  Yep nice new quilt, slightly thicker than her old one BUT every time she lies down here now she pushes it away!!!!  I mean the old saying of “Dogs remember faces and cats remember places” doesn’t apply to my finickity Airedale!!!!

DH has suggested that I put her old quilt, which is now washed but several blocks are now broken on it, on the top of the new one and see if Treacle will lie down on it with her old quilt on top.  We shall see!

Unfortunately the cleaning has to be done anyway, which I managed to get done this morning beginning at 5.00am!!!  However last night was the first night I have not woken up at 3.00am, which I have been doing for several weeks now!  I don’t know why!  Anyway DH had to be up and out as he has a long trip to Cumbria today so I got up with him and after breakfast started my cleaning and I was all done by 9.00am!!!  I love it when I get a big job done before work work starts! 

We had some sad news yesterday regarding an ex-member of the swimming club, whose family are still involved.  She sadly died in a paddle board accident in New Zealand where she now lives.  We all saw her at Christmas when she came home to spend time with her family and meet her new nephew and I think we can be thankful for that.  When you receive this sort of news it always makes me thank God for my blessings and ask Him to keep them safe wherever they are and whatever they are doing.

As it is Thursday I am doing #TBT with this one, which I have probably shown you before but I just love it.  Fourteen years ago and February Half Term (which is this week here in Derbyshire) we had taken the Boys to London for the week.  This is Trafalgar Square and we had taken the Boys to the National Portrait Gallery which they just love, having been with school before and wanted to spend longer there. Then we were going to the theatre in the afternoon to see “We Will Rock You”, the Queen Musical, which was brilliant we all had a great time.  Eldest was nine and Youngest was five.

I have some work to do the rest of today and I may go out and run some errands today or tomorrow.  Saturday when DH is busy again (and Youngest will be out) I am going over to Nottingham to do some shopping and Sunday I will be quilting again.

Happy Thursday you lovely lot.

Hugs, Susie xx


Well there are fourteen days left of the first month of the year and how are you doing?  The first sixteen days have seemed to fly by but with not that much happening.  DH was busy, as were The Boys, and Treacle and I were just home doing all the every week things that one does! 

I suppose after the busy last few months of last year, which I always think of being like Friday and Saturday in a week, January can always feel a little slow, however it is a good time to re-charge the batteries!  We had a little snow last night and it was very icy this morning but that was it.  It wasn’t even enough for Treacle to be interested in it!

This weekend, would you believe, we do not have anything on for the Swimming Club!  I know, amazing!!!  Then of course the age-old question of what do we do?  We have a few things to do on Saturday morning, errands etc, and then the rest of the day, evening and all day Sunday is free!!!!!  Do you ever have this happen to you and you end up talking about what you want to do and then waste the whole day as you couldn’t decide?  Well it has happened to us so I now know to just pick something and do it!!!!

If the weather is going to be okay we were going to take Treacle for an extra long walk at the weekend!  She will be okay when we first start but then half way round will decide enough is enough and want to come home!!!  I will let you know how we get on!!!

I don’t know if you have seen the #10 years ago challenge well I won’t show you me from ten years ago but I will show you The Boys from 2009!  Eldest is playing Guitar Hero and Youngest is waiting for his turn!!!!  This was whilst we were away in Scotland in the summer, Eldest was 13 and Youngest was 9!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday and your January is going well!

Hugs, Susie xx

Happy Halloween & It’s Wednesday.


I am here!  It just took all day Monday to catch up on all the work which had piled up over the previous week whilst my computer was upgraded!!!  I managed to finish at 6.30pm from quite early on that morning, but so glad I am back on track.

Yesterday I had to go out and run some errands and drop Youngest off at the train station for him to visit Girlfriend at Uni.  Again I didn’t get back until about 4.00pm, long day!

Here was one of my collection stops!  120 Advent Calendars for our Young Swimmers!!! This is instead of a party, this year they are getting a present!  Just have to wrap them now!!!!!!

I also had to collect a laptop from the computer place which was 40 miles north of this place which has been sorted for the swimming club.  I then came back the pretty way instead of the motorway through Chatsworth park and stopped at their Farm Shop to get a few supplies.

I also called at the Quilt Shop on the way home too as it is near here (!)  I got home and was thoroughly tired and felt quite coldy so had dinner early and went to bed!!!!  DH was out so Treacle kept me company.

This was cuddling last night.

This was Monday whilst I was working all day, you can see how busy Treacle is!!!!!

Two of the fireworks from Friday evening!  It was very cold.

We have been spoilt with all the nice weather at the beginning of October and now it has turned very cold, with a biting wind so all the winter jumpers are out and now in use!!!!

I hope you are all having a great week and I should now be back every day! I also need to catch up on the Blogs I read too but that will have to wait until later.  Have a great Wednesday, nearly the weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!

It’s Friday, Thank Goodness!

It has been a very strange week, this week.  Youngest got himself a part-time job to fit in with his studies etc and it was working between 3.00am and 7.00am filling the vans for UPS for that day’s deliveries!!!  He has always, as has Eldest, been very good about getting up in the morning and they were never late for school as they were always up and bouncing about.  However I thought that getting up at 2.00am everyday would be a strain so I was setting my alarm for 2.00am just to make sure he was up!!!! 

He did get up but it was getting a little later as the week went on and by Thursday he and I were about on our knees!!!!  Needless to say he has decided it is not the right job for him and has left!!!  Both he and I then, of course, slept in this morning as we were both shattered!!!  DH was also away on Wednesday night for work and I never sleep well when he is not home, even with snuggle bugs Treacle on the bed!!!

I popped out today to get some flowers for our friends tomorrow and their 50th.  They are having a party in the Village Hall with a band and for supper it is fish and chips!!  So much nicer on cold evenings than a buffet and what a great idea.  I will get pictures!!!  Also did the grocery shopping and got back in time for lunch with Youngest and then managed to catch up with my work.  I am determined I am not going to get behind, it is just too much then to catch up on.

Youngest is coaching tomorrow morning between 7.00am and 9.00am (definitely better times!) and DH is going with him to help with the swimmers and then we are taking Youngest to the train station so he can go and visit Girlfriend at her Uni and then DH and I are going to the Ploughing Match in Southwell, not far from his childhood home.  There are always exhibits from how they used to plough with the heavy horses as above and of course the modern version with tractors.  It is great fun watching the tractors race across the fields ploughing but in a race.  Again I will get pictures.

The weather is set fair for the weekend with warmer temperatures tomorrow and cooler on Sunday which will be ideal to get in the garden and start getting it ready for winter. 

I have also had, in the last couple of weeks, some new Followers so Welcome along for the ride (!), thank you for following me and I hope you enjoy this journey we are on.

This is Treacle today, soaking up the Indian Summer rays!

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful weekend, whatever you are up to.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

It’s Autumn.

This quote for me says Autumn all over, the leaves turning, the nights drawing in and the Autumn weather.  Last night as Treacle went out last thing it was definitely chilly and had an Autumn feel.
For all the children it was Back to School yesterday (although there still seemed to be a lot of children around when I went shopping in Nottingham!).  Our Boys have now finished their formal education after eighteen years between the two of them and yesterday felt very strange not racing around getting lunches and making sure they had all their books, sports kits etc and were smart in their uniforms and of course taking that “start of a new year” picture.
As it is Thursday here is a #TBT picture of the last time they were together going to school.  Eldest was in Upper Sixth and Youngest was in Year Eight at the same school aged 17 and 13.  I was quite sad really, but that’s usual as I hated them going back to school after the six week holiday, I always loved having them at home with me.
The conkers are starting to ripen and the children will soon be collecting them.  The Boys
Aunt & Uncle had a wonderful Horse Chestnut tree in their garden and their Uncle always collected lots of conkers for them.
The Boys Godparents came for dinner last Saturday before they went off on holiday for a month (they are now retired!) and the day was warm so we made the most of it by eating outside again.  We have done so well with the weather this year and been able to eat outside lots and it has been lovely.  It was a lovely evening catching up on all the news and very relaxed. 
This weekend we don’t have anything on for swimming or work or compering so we are going out on Saturday evening to celebrate Eldest’s Birthday as he was away at college when it was his actual Birthday.  Hopefully I will get some pictures.  This is the last week that Youngest’s Girlfriend will be here as a week on Saturday she heads off to Uni.  The weather is supposed to be okay so Sunday we can get some tidying done in the garden and it will then be in great shape as we go into Autumn/Winter.
We will be making the most of the weekends in September as in October all the weekends are filled with either swimming or compering or work and before we know it, it will be November!!!!!  I cannot believe it but Christmas things are starting to appear in the shops!!!  We have lots of things on before Christmas but the stores cannot seem to resist getting things out already!!!!  I know we Quilters are making things for Christmas, as am I, but that doesn’t mean we need to see all the Christmas things in the stores!  I am trying to ignore it!!!
I hope you lovely lot are having a Great Thursday, tomorrow’s Friday!!!! 
Hugs, Susie xx

Summer & Holidays.

As you know our Children start their summer holidays a little later over here and today is their last day of school.  Obviously Eldest and Youngest have now left their school days behind but it still reminds me how much I loved having the Boys at home for the six week holiday.  A lot of my friends would moan about having their children at home for so long but I always thought of it as a joy.  I was very lucky that I work from home so was able to look after the Boys and still work, but I did modify how I worked when they were off, so I could spend the day with them.

I always tried to arrange things to do, not every day of course, but activities that we could do which did not cost a lot or anything at all.

Here is one way of choosing what to do on holiday.  Get some lolly sticks and write down an activity on one end and on the other put a “D” for a dry day or “W” for a wet day.  Put the sticks with the activity inside a jar filled with rice for no peeking and then the Boys would in turn get to choose a stick, depending upon the weather and off we would go or get on with the activity at home.  They loved it, especially the surprise of what we would be doing that day. 

The sorts of activities I would have down would be baking for the day, walking Treacle at Chatsworth House, Visiting a Museum which they had not been to before (they are all free to enter in this country), Visiting the National Forest, this one particular year they picked out the material for their quilts, playing Badminton or Tennis. going swimming for the fun of it instead of training (!), going to the Library where they took part in the reading scheme for the summer, visiting our relatives, Going on a picnic, paining pottery, the list really is endless. 

This was Summer 2002 with Kelly and they had been out in the garden all day and as you can see making mud pies!!!!  Eldest is six and Youngest two

By doing the sticks it gave them the choice of what to do rather than me just saying we would be doing this and that which they loved, especially as they got older.  The first day of the holiday we always had a “Pajama Day” when they could get up when they wanted and have whatever they wanted to eat and basically do nothing structured for the whole day.  It was also a good day for me to decompress after the frantic last few weeks of term.

They loved baking and they both got their Scout Badges for cooking.

We always had to visit any steam train festivals!  Also on holiday in Scotland.

The only thing they hated doing, which I insisted on doing as soon as they had broken up for the summer, was to go shopping for their new uniforms for September!!! They hated it but I hate crowds more, so always took them on the first week of the holiday.  By doing this I was able to get all their names sewn into their new uniforms and knew that everything was ready for the first day back.  It also meant I was able to get all the sizes as the shops do start to sell out.  The only thing we did do the week before they went back to school was get their new shoes/plimsolls/rugby boots etc.

Ready for the New School Year!

Now they are both working!!! But it still feels like the first day of the holidays to me!!!

Saying that it is house jobs day today and grocery shopping and a huge basket of ironing!!!  The Boys might have been on holiday but Moms always have house jobs to do!!!!

I hope you lovely lot have a wonderful Summer Weekend.

Hugs, Susie xx

Terrific Tuesday & Wednesday Wag.

Yesterday The Queen and the Country celebrated 100 years of the Royal Air Force, which is close to my heart as my father served in the Air Force during WWII.  There was a Memorial Service at Westminster Abbey in the morning with several members of the Royal Family attending, followed by the presentation of New Colour to the Air Force by the Queen in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, followed by the biggest flypast ever.

The Queen watching the flypast.

The new Duke & Duchess of Sussex on the balcony.

The RAF Pipes & Drums Band.

The planes in the flypast just kept coming.

Finally the Typhoons flying in the 100 formation.

The RAF Squadrons spelling out RAF 100 in the Grounds of the Palace.

Watching the whole event made me very proud to be British and to have the connection with the RAF.

Today DH and I went to see a show case of the work done by Youngest this year, his final year at college before he goes off to Uni or something else!!!!!  We not only saw his work but work by the other students and it was all very good and of a high quality.  I am sure they will all do well with their final marks.

Today, of course, is Wednesday Wag but Treacle was in all day on her own as we were out but probably a good thing for her as it has been very warm today. 

This is when I come in.

When Daddy comes in!!!!!!

Still watching the wonderful tennis matches but so sorry to see Roger Federer go out but great for Kevin Anderson to be in the semi-finals.  It really has been an open Open this year with lots of different names coming to the fore.

Tomorrow is house jobs day and I am also going to go to the gym for the first time in over a year and as you know it is never that day or the next when you feel it, it is the day after that so probably by Saturday I won’t be able to move, tee hee!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!

Hugs, Susie xx