

Well there are fourteen days left of the first month of the year and how are you doing?  The first sixteen days have seemed to fly by but with not that much happening.  DH was busy, as were The Boys, and Treacle and I were just home doing all the every week things that one does! 

I suppose after the busy last few months of last year, which I always think of being like Friday and Saturday in a week, January can always feel a little slow, however it is a good time to re-charge the batteries!  We had a little snow last night and it was very icy this morning but that was it.  It wasn’t even enough for Treacle to be interested in it!

This weekend, would you believe, we do not have anything on for the Swimming Club!  I know, amazing!!!  Then of course the age-old question of what do we do?  We have a few things to do on Saturday morning, errands etc, and then the rest of the day, evening and all day Sunday is free!!!!!  Do you ever have this happen to you and you end up talking about what you want to do and then waste the whole day as you couldn’t decide?  Well it has happened to us so I now know to just pick something and do it!!!!

If the weather is going to be okay we were going to take Treacle for an extra long walk at the weekend!  She will be okay when we first start but then half way round will decide enough is enough and want to come home!!!  I will let you know how we get on!!!

I don’t know if you have seen the #10 years ago challenge well I won’t show you me from ten years ago but I will show you The Boys from 2009!  Eldest is playing Guitar Hero and Youngest is waiting for his turn!!!!  This was whilst we were away in Scotland in the summer, Eldest was 13 and Youngest was 9!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday and your January is going well!

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “January.

  1. farmquilter

    I’m sorry your snow wasn’t exciting. We got a bunch of rain last night and it melted all the new snow…but there is still a bit left over from the storm a few weeks ago. We are expecting more snow/rain later today, so we’ll see. I just want to stay home and be warm, but I have PT this morning and a visit to the dentist this afternoon…boo!!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your snow/ice sounds like what we’re expecting tomorrow and Sunday will be worse with more snow, sleet, rain, ice and plummeting temps to freeze everything in place. YUK!
    Time off is always a good thing.

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