Then & Now!

So here we have Youngest, Treacle and Eldest in 2010 which was the last time we had real snow as in lots of it!  Youngest was 11, Treacle was 2 and Eldest 15.

Fast forward as by magic eleven years and here we have Youngest, Treacle and Eldest with quite a lot of snow again!!!!!!!!  Youngest is 21, Treacle is 12 and Eldest is 25!

Where did eleven year’s go?  Mind you they are all still as daft as they were when they were all younger if not more so!!  All three came in very wet, very tired but very happy!

Well Treacle was happy until she had to be tried and all the snow/ice balls gotten out of her feet and the snow from her nose!  You all know how much she loves to be dried, NOT!

I am trying hard this week to keep up with ALL my jobs so none of them get behind because I think when I do get behind that’s when things get screwy for me!  Well it’s a plan, you can only try these things!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this week is going to be a little calmer although I have the dentist on Friday morning which I am not looking forward to and I can’t even go out for lunch afterwards, Hmm!!!!  Hey ho.

Happpy Tuesday everybody!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Then & Now!

  1. farmquilter

    How fun to have pictures taken doing the same thing over a decade apart!! They all look cold and happy! It didn’t warm up here today past freezing so none of the snow melted. I didn’t shovel a patch of grass for Tara so she barely goes out into the snow to do her business!! According to our weatherman, we are in for a strong storm Wednesday and Thursday that will deposit up to 5 feet of snow in the mountains and maybe a foot of snow down in the valley! And there is a line of storms waiting to march on in after it, so maybe we’ll get some good snow for a change! Hope you have a productive week where you stay on top of everything!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Playing in the snow turns all of us back into youngsters. Snow is just so much fun! Love the throw-back photos! Good luck at the dentist’s. I see the eye doctor on Thursday. yuk

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