Category Archives: Miscellaneous

The Wednesday Wag.

After all the nice weather we have had, today it has been raining, in fact more than raining, I think the term is stair rods!!!  I have not enjoyed being out in it!!!!

I had my lunchtime biscuit and am now quite happily in my basket in the warmth whilst Mom is working at her desk.

I am definitely a Fair Weather Airedale!!!! 

I hope you are having a Happy Wednesday.

Woof, Treacle.

The Wednesday Wag.

I was at the Spa on Monday for my bathing ritual and there were only a few other dogs in with me, so it was very relaxing!

Front View

Right View

Left View

Mom has washed all my beds, my quilt, my collar, my towel and Teddy so we all smell so much better.

The weather is still nice so far but it will not doubt start to get cool, especially as I have had my Airecut!

Of course I had to have several hours sleep to recover!!!!!!

I was also busy keeping Mom safe whilst Dad and Youngest were away over the last few days.  Sleeping in her bed was a real chore!!!!!

Woof, Treacle.


6th Annual Piggy Bank Savings.

Val at Val’s Quilting Studio is setting up the 6th Annual Piggy Bank Savings again for this year, where we save money for those all important quilt purchases.

I joined for the first time last year and when we opened them this year have managed to save £150 which I am going to spend on some material.

So I am joining the challenge for this coming year and again I will probably buy material with my savings.  Here is my actual Piggy Bank, who I have decided to call Percy Pig, where I will be saving.

If you want to join in, create a post regarding the challenge, show us where you will be saving your pennies and then link at Val’s blog here :  We will then open them on July 6th 2019 and find out how we have all done.  You have until August 1st to sign up.

It is a great way to save some money without really thinking about it and it is amazing how quickly it mounts up.  So come along and join us saving for quilting.

Hugs, Susie xx

Have A Great Week!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Yesterday and today we actually saw the sun for a little while and it has felt the tiniest bit like Spring.  Of course this is before the four days of rain and colder temperatures and snow in parts of the Country!!!

Saturday I managed to get a day of sewing in and I tackled the second block of the BOM “It’s a Wild Life”! It was applique and this is not really one of my strengths but I had a go and I think it turned out okay.  My only comment is this quilt is going to be huge as the blocks are really big!

These are the maple leaf blocks for February.

Here is the applique block for March from Sew Incredibly Crazy.

Here is my effort!  I don’t think it looks bad at all really.  I decided to use the HeatnBond that you don’t have to sew afterwards as doing the pieces were enough for me and it looks okay but it reminds of a toy when I was little and I don’t know if you all remember it.

It’s called Fun Felt now but it used to be called Fuzzy Felt and I loved it!!  Creating pictures by placing fluffy pieces on a fuzzy background and then taking them off and doing something completely different.  Well placing the applique pieces on my background felt just the same, tee hee!!!!

Yesterday we went to see Owen as it was his First Birthday on Saturday.

The Boys have been wanting to buy him Thomas The Tank Engine things since he was born so this was ideal.  Youngest gave him his First Thomas Train and Owen loved it.

Eldest and Girlfriend gave him a book of the Thomas Stories and Evalyn was also very interested!

DH and I got him this musical ball with animals on which was quite appropriate as they all went to Chester Zoo for the day on Saturday!  We also got him some more clothes which his Mummy had requested!

Here they both are on Owen’s quilt with Thomas.

Evalyn also finally got her big girl quilt for her bed!!!  She loved it.

It is going to be a busy old week and shortened as we have Friday off and Monday of next week.  Youngest finishes tomorrow for two weeks holiday and Eldest has some time off too and he and Girlfriend are coming for dinner on Easter Sunday.  With the weather being predicted to be not good the attic tidying looks on the cards and I will be supervising with the help of Girlfriend whilst DH and Eldest are doing the heavy lifting.  However I know what one problem will be; Eldest will get distracted by everything coming out and start sorting things and looking at things and we will probably get nothing finished!!!!!

Have a Great Week Everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx