
Jayne and I had a lovely lunch yesterday at a local pub.  It was great to catch up after all the Christmas festivities. 

Before Christmas we had our main bathroom renovated after the water leak.  It meant they had to remove the old floor and part of the wall and sort that out and then tile the floor and walls and fit the new bathroom suite.  Here are pictures of the completed room.  We still have to paint the sloping wall and ceiling but it will get done when the weather is better.

The new Bath with shower over.

Because the bath is longer along the main wall than the previous one we are able to get the cabinet in which contains the towels, toiletries etc.

My aim was not to drill the tiles for anything so we got this mirror which is held up with tape.

Again no toilet roll holder on the wall but this freestanding one which is much better.

I am really pleased how it all turned out.  I forgot to take a picture of the light fitting which is also new which has a central fitting but has a branch with four spots on which can be turned in different directions so it makes it very light and warm. 

Today I have some work to do and a few home jobs to get done.  Tomorrow I am at Eldest’s work to get that done and Friday is home jobs day before we have an entire weekend free, although Youngest said well we will just be doing jobs!  Yes we have a few jobs to get done but we are also going to do something for ourselves too!  Don’t say it too loud but we also have a free weekend the following week too, that is before DH then has swimming things  for most of February weekends!

This was Coco last night as I was going to bed. I honestly don’t know why all the blood does not rush to her head!  She is quite happy to go to sleep with her head hanging down like this.  She is the strangest Airedale we have ever had!  Although we would not swap her for the world!

Happy Wednesday you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Renovations.

  1. farmquilter

    Oh, the new bathroom looks lovely!! I had never considered putting a dresser in the bathroom for storage – brilliant!! That tile is spectacular and I wouldn’t want to drill it either. Coco’s sleeping position reminds me of my kiddos who were so tired after a day at the water park that they would fall asleep in the most bizarre positions that never looked comfortable to me! Thanks for bringing back a fabulous memory.

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