Busy Wednesday!

We have had a very busy day today, beginning with dental appointments for DH and I at 8.00am this morning and a visit to the hygienist for me!  I managed to get through both appointments despite still having quite a bit of pain from the shingles!!  It is one of those things I absolutely hate but I am too scared of the consequences of not going, so….!

Having done a quick tidy up at home I then headed off to Eldest’s garage to do his work which took me from about 11.00am until 6.30pm to get it all done.  DH did turn up after his meetings to help with some of the papework too which was great.  I managed to get up to date with all our work yesterday so that is two ticks off my To Do list!!!!

Tomorrow I have a spa appointment in the morning and then have to run a few errands.  Friday will home jobs day which will then leave me clear to do some sewing over the weekend.

I still have lots of jobs on my list to do around our home and the garden and the attic and the…… well everything, some of which were going to get done between Christmas and New Year until the shingles put paid to that!!!!  I am making lists, DH beware!!!!!!

Anyway we are at Wednesday so two days to go before the weekend.  I do hope your week is going well. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

1 thought on “Busy Wednesday!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    I can’t imagine a dental appt having shingles. I sure hope this goes away soon for you, Susie, and despite the shingles, you are sure getting a lot done!

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