The Weekend.

Saturday we managed to get all the decorations down and packed away including the outisde lights!   It was a bit of a rush but at least it was done. 

So it was our Swimming Club’s big Open event yesterday.  We got to the pool at 6.00am and set up for the day.  However since the pool has been open it has gone from being freezing cold in the timing suite to now it is like an absolute sauna, also the same for the pool hall.  We try and compensate for it with desk fans but all they seem to do is move the hot air around.  Both DH and I woke up this morning with headaches and I felt slightly sick!  The event finished at 6.30pm and by the time we cleared up it was getting on for 8.00pm!

Anyway the swimmers all enjoyed it which is the main thing and had fun competing again after the Christmas holidays.  They are all back at school today and no doubt tired!  This week is a quiet week except for business work and I do have a couple of errands to run at the end of this week.  DH is again out all weekend at another pool for a two day swimming event but hopefully it will not be as hot.  I am planning on getting all my home jobs done before the weekend so I can then spend some time in my sewing room, which needs a good clean and then I can show you some pictures!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a great week to come.  

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “The Weekend.

  1. farmquilter

    Sitting here being cold, I’d happily trade you for your sauna!!! I shoveled snow on Sunday for me and my neighbor who is in the hospital. Tara was most displeased to be going outside at all…still hating it because it is below freezing and the snow isn’t going away! Fingers crossed you will have some quality time in your sewing room this weekend!!

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