

“A Firm Determination To Do Something”!

Yep that is my word for 2024!  This started last year by my reading something in the Daily Telegraph about choosing a word to use during the year, rather than lists of Resolutions (!) that people make and then by the end of two weeks and we are all back at work and busy, forget about!

I also started a list of Aims for each year rather then Resolutions because again it does not seem so demanding!  They are pretty much the same as last year (!)

       Aim 1: Try to read more.    Aim 2: Try to do more quilting.                   Aim 3: Try to be more organised.  Aim 4: Try to find more balance between work and home.

I think the biggest one is Aim 4.  Trying to find that balance and I am sure those who read my Blog probably feel the same.  The balance between work which we need to do and our home life which is the best bit is the hardest thing and the last two years there has been more work than anything else and I hope that this year we can balance that up a little bit!  As I say it is an Aim!

Whatever happens during the coming year it will be fun to find out and see how things play out and I am very grateful to have my lovely family and my Blogging Friends & Followers along for this wild ride of life! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

3 thoughts on “Resolve!

  1. Anonymous

    I have given up making resolutions because I never do them anyway. I like your idea of making aims and the ones you have listed are very good

  2. farmquilter

    If you could just get #4 just right, all the rest would fall into place!! Being a business owner makes that so hard as you don’t want to say no to customers! I don’t think #3 could improve for you – you are so very organized! If others would stop throwing a spanner into your life, it would be easier to keep everything to plan.

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