Christmas is Coming at Full Speed!

Last week sped by, I was so busy I think i met myself coming back at one point!  A lot of it was to do with work but I did get to go out for a Christmas lunch with Jayne to The Cavendish Hotel at BaslowWe ate in the new Garden Room and it was a lovely afternoon, really enjoyed spending a few hours away from work with Jayne.  We drove back through Chatsworth grounds and it was quite misty and looked a little spooky.

I did manage to fit in a hair cut and spa day for me as well as everything else I managed to get done! 

All the presents are wrapped and waiting to go to Santa.

Parcels ready to go to the Post Office and parcels ready for hand delivery.

I made another batch of 35 Christmas Cookies, which have now all gone so need to make more this week.

Here are a few of our Christmas decorations in the kitchen.

My Nigella Christmas cookbook which I use a lot of receipes from.

Coco helping in the kitchen and keeping an eye on the garden, and cat patrol!

Eldest bought me some Snoopy oven gloves!

I managed to get the cleaning, washing and ironing done on Friday and then Friday evening it was the Swimming Club Presentation Night.  It was very busy with over three hundred parents and swimmers there and DH compere for the night.  I left after the actual presentations as I was shattered. 

Saturday we were up bright and early as we went over to Nottingham to see family and went out for lunch with DH’s cousin who we have not seen for a while.  After the hectic week it was lovely to be relaxed and have a lunch.  Then we got back about 3.00pm for me to get dinner ready for five, as we had friends round for dinner for Christmas.  It is the best bit about Christmas for me,  seeing family and friends.  They left around midnight and then we were back at the swimming pool on Sunday afternoon for the Swimming Club Fun Gala! 

The Coaches, including Youngest, also swam in the Gala.  The swimmers all loved it!

This week I am planning on not doing too much work but getting things ready for Christmas Day.  Today I have been working but tomorrow I am out and about running errands and getting food which has been ordered.  I still have a couple of presents to deliver as well and then I have a spa appointment for Thursday, DH is out for two Christmas meals, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday and then he will finish for Christmas.  Our Roofer also came today to fix a problem on the roof at the back and also clear all the gutters out before the weather gets bad.

How are all your plans going for Christmas?

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Christmas is Coming at Full Speed!

  1. farmquilter

    I got all my package mailed out. Not doing anything else…may make myself an apple crumble cake. You would think that after two Christmases alone, I would kinda be used to it. Weather is supposed to be snowy between here and the farm, so I shan’t do that 750 mile drive. Been rainy here today, but snow is predicted some time this week, but won’t last until Christmas. Have a wonderful week and enjoy all the fun with your family and loved ones!! Next year there will be a little to enjoy it with!!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Your cookies look so yummy and your kitchen decorations look so festive! Hi Coco! Christmas is such a busy time but you sound like you’re keeping up, Susie! I have yard work to do after all the rain and high winds we’ve had. There are sticks down everywhere!

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