Coco’s Christmas Corner.

Mom says I have to be very good over the next few weeks or else Santa Paws will not come and visit and bring me a present or three! 

I was most concerned as Youngest found this today and I cannot believe that my name is on this list.  I mean really how does Santa Paws know I have been naughty?  Unless of course Mom has been telling him!

I haven’t been too naughty this year, just a few toys have been demolished, a couple of plants have been flattened in the garden but I have not wrecked anything else as far as I am aware.  I think I will have to put my best cute face on.

Tomorrow I have my Spa Day and Mom says I need it, as I am very, very woolly and smell a bit doggy!  I will show you how I look when I get home. 

So don’t forget everyone be good or else your presents won’t arrive!

Woof, Coco xx

3 thoughts on “Coco’s Christmas Corner.

  1. Anonymous

    I see that our dog Penny is on the naughty list too! Clearly this list must be a mistake as Penny told us both she AND COCO have been very good. Are you going to believe some random list or the solemn truth from a dog with big kind brown eyes?

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